Behavioral Therapy

This method of therapy would be offered to clients experiencing anxiety related problems e.g panic disorders, agoraphobia. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). It is also useful with people suffering with mild-moderate depression.

How does a person access this therapy?

You will be referred by a member of your mental health team.

What is involved?

Behavioural therapy is a collaborative therapy where you and the therapist/psychologist accurately define your main problems and set out goals for treatment. The aim of this is to provide you with the knowledge and the techniques to manage the symptoms more effectively. The therapy focuses on actions that you might take to improve your situation.

How long does it last?

Usually 10 -12 hourly sessions


The clinical nurse specialist or psychologist will vary depending on your area. In some areas there is a clinical nurse specialist in behavioral therapy. In other areas it will be a therapist or a psychologist that supports you through your recovery.



Is there a waiting time?

Waiting times will vary according to your area.

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