Family Carers Ireland

Family Carer:

A family carer is described as someone who is providing an ongoing significant level of care to a person who is in need of care in the home due to illness or disability or frailty. The care that family and other carers provide involves looking after the needs of people with a wide range of dependencies across all age groups.

Carer’s Emergency Card:

Carry the Carer’s Emergency Card so that in case you have an accident or are taken ill, then the details on the card can be used to make sure the person you care for is looked after.

Family Carers Ireland:

Family Carers Ireland runs carer groups all over the country. These groups meet regularly, usually once a month. The carers that attend set the agenda. Carers often use the time to share coping strategies and local information in addition to offering emotional support. Guest speakers such as Public Health Nurses, HSE representatives and Social Welfare experts are invited to meetings to address carers on issues of interest to them. Groups provide a valuable opportunity to meet others with similar caring experiences. Indeed this is how many enduring friendships began.

Groups are also integral to the operation of Family Carers Ireland. We operate on the basis of group membership because we believe that local networks best promote inclusion and support at local, regional and national levels. Groups play a vital role in promoting recognition of the identity, contribution and needs of family carers, in articulating existing and emerging need and in representing family carers’ issues both to policymakers and to the general community. The organisation recognises three categories of group as eligible for membership in this capacity: local groups, regional forums and virtual groups.

Five or more members coming together with the same goals and meeting on a regular basis may form a group affiliated with Family Carers Ireland. Members of FCI groups will be united by a common bond, which could simply be a shared geographical area, or caring for family members with a condition in common, e.g. parents of children with Autism / ADHD.

There are three different fee options in relation to membership:

To become a member of Family Carers Ireland, visit our membership page.

Some groups may opt to become Associate Members of Family Carers Ireland, for €250 per group per annum.
Your membership fee helps to fund a range of services to carers and their families.

Carer groups allow carers to:

  • share their experiences, feelings, ideas, concerns, information and problems
  • access information on their rights and entitlements
  • act together to highlight carers issues with decision makers
  • have a sense of connection with other family carers in similar circumstances
  • have a break from the caring situation
  • relax, socialise and learn from other carers
  • cope from day to day

Family Carers Ireland offers an internationally recognised ISO 9001 quality standard of home care services. We can support Family Carers and their loved one through a range of services, from a companionship service to services that support ‘self-care’ such as help with ADL (Activities of Daily Living), bathing, dressing, personal hygiene, etc., and IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living), e.g., housework, preparing, meals, shopping etc. Our services also cover high-level care needs such as stoma care, peg feeding, diabetes care, hoists, etc., as well as palliative care services.

Find out more about the range of services we offer here. Why not fill out our home care services query form so our local office can give you a tailored response.

All of our home care workers have received a full QQI Level 5 Award in Healthcare Support. These modules cover all aspects of care and support required to assist Family Carers with their caring role. Patient Moving and Handling is a requirement for all home care workers and our staff are trained and refreshed on this course regularly. See our training section for more.

Family Carers Ireland staff are also trained to assist Family Carers to access up-to-date information on Rights and Entitlements. Family Carers Ireland is fully insured, and all staff are Garda vetted prior to commencing work with us. Our staff members are well equipped to deal with any situation that may arise in a sensitive and competent manner.

We pride ourselves on being able to offer high-quality service with dependable, professional and caring staff. Our services are continuously monitored, and staff training regularly updated.

Family Carers Ireland’s home care services are integrated with our family carer supports and services, and can offer a unique suite of services to recipients of care and to their families. Our goal is to ensure that all Family Carers have peace of mind and are fully confident in the services we provide to their loved ones.

Family Carers Ireland is a HSE preferred provider of home care packages. We also offer private and other funded home care services

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