Carers Support Grant

The Carer’s Support Grant is an annual payment made to carers by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP). The scheme name was changed from the Respite Care Grant in 2016 to better reflect how the Grant is used. Carers can use the grant in whatever way they wish. You can use the grant to pay for respite care if you wish, but you do not have to do so. More information about respite care facilities is available.

In June of each year (usually on the first Thursday of the month), the DEASP pays the grant automatically to carers getting Carer’s AllowanceCarer’s Benefit, or Domiciliary Care Allowance from the Department. Only one Carer’s Support Grant can be paid for each person getting care.


The grant is paid automatically to people getting Carer’s Allowance (whether full-rate or half-rate), Carer’s Benefit or Domiciliary Care Allowance.

It can also be paid to certain other carers. To qualify, you must be:

  • Aged 16 or over
  • Ordinarily resident in the State
  • Living with the person being cared for or, if not, be contactable quickly by a direct system of communication (for example, telephone or alarm).
  • Caring for the person on a full-time basis
  • Caring for the person for at least 6 months – this period must include the first Thursday in June

During this 6 month caring period, you cannot:

  • Work more than 18.5 hours per week outside the home (increased from 15 hours to 18.5 hours in January 2020).
  • Take part in an education or training course for more than 18.5 hours a week (increased from 15 hours to 18.5 hours in January 2020).
  • Get Jobseeker’s Allowance or Jobseeker’s Benefit
  • Sign on for credited contributions


  • Live in a hospital, convalescent home or similar institution

If you are caring for more than one person, a grant is paid for each of them.


A Carer’s Support Grant of €1,700 (June 2020) is paid once each year, usually on the first Thursday in June, for each person you are caring for. It is not taxable.

How to apply

If you are getting Carer’s Allowance, Carer’s Benefit or Domiciliary Care Allowance, you do not need to apply for the Carer’s Support Grant. It will be automatically paid to you in June.

If you are not getting one of the above payments, you should fill in an application form CSG 1 (pdf) in respect of each person you are caring for.

If you were not getting one of the above payments but got the Carer’s Support Grant last year, you do not need to re-apply this year. The Department will send you a letter and a short 2-page questionnaire in April. You must return the completed questionnaire as it will be used to assess you for the Carer’s Support Grant this year.

When to apply

You can apply for a Carer’s Support Grant for any given year from April of that year until 31 December of the following year.

For example:

You can apply for a grant for 2019 at any time from April 2019 up until 31 December 2020. However, you must not have been working or taking part in an education or training course for more than 15 hours per week in 2019.

You can apply for a grant for 2020 at any time from April 2020 up until 31 December 2021. From January 2020, you can work or take part in an education or training course for up to 18.5 hours per week

Where to apply

You can download a Carer’s Support Grant application form or get one from your Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Office or Citizens Information Centre.

Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection

Carer’s Support Grant Section

Government Buildings
Ballinalee Road
N39 E4EO

Tel: (043) 334 0000
Locall: 1890 927 770

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