Options for people Working with Disabilities

Options for people Working with Disabilities:

The onset or progression of a disability can be a devastating event. However, it does not always mean that you will have to give up your job. Employers are obliged to make reasonable accommodations for staff with disabilities and often, you can continue working in an adapted workplace or with equipment and changes to your work practice and conditions of employment. Some possible options for you and your employer include:

  • Partial re-deployment: which allows you to continue to do part of your original job (either part-time or with the addition of new tasks). You can drop certain tasks and take on others that are currently carried out by other colleagues.
  • Re-deployment: If you are unable to perform your previous job, but could carry out another function within the organisation, re-training and re-deployment are options you and your employer can consider.
  • Flexible working arrangements: If you have a disability, being able to work part-time, flexitime, job share or work from home may be a deciding factor in whether you can resume your working life.
  • Adapting the workplace and assistive technology: an accessible workplace and assistive technology can allow you to perform your job without difficulty. The Workplace/Equipment Adaptation Grant provides funding towards the costs of modifications or special equipment that will allow a disabled person to take up an offer of employment or to remain in employment.
  • Personal Reader Grant: If you are blind or visually impaired and you need help with job-related reading, you may be entitled to a grant to allow you to employ a personal reader.

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