Riding for the Disabled Association of Ireland

Riding for the Disabled Association Ireland (RDA Ireland) was established in 1969 and has continued to evolve and develop for over half a century, with 40 Groups across Ireland 500 volunteers providing weekly riding or carriage driving sessions to 600 disabled children and adults.

RDA Ireland provides the opportunity for individuals, with physical or intellectual disabilities, to horse ride or carriage drive and this in turn provides therapy, fitness, development of skills, socialisation, achievement and most importantly fun.

It is not only the riders who benefit, our volunteers gain so much from the Association with ongoing training and development, friendships and the opportunity to make a difference.

Each year at the RDA Ireland Conference Volunteers from across the country get the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas and experiences, applaud those who receive long service awards and give a loud cheer to the Rider/ Driver of the Year.

The Royal Dublin Horse Show is a unique opportunity for six RDA Ireland riders to showcase their skills, a highlight for both riders, their families and volunteers.

Volunteers and Coaches are continually developing and updating their skills and are encouraged to become part of the organisation at Group level as Group Organisers or Group Coaches and at National level as an Area Representative, Area Coach or Board Member.

As a charity, RDA Ireland relies on sponsorship and donations. Groups raise funds locally to cover their running costs. Funding is sourced nationally for training and equipment along with annual expenditure.

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