Irish Wheelchair Association: Assisted Living Services

The largest of IWA’s service areas is the Assisted Living Service which provides the service of a personal assistant to individuals with physical and sensory disabilities. These services assist individuals in their homes and communities facilitating community participation, access to education, employment and improved quality of life. The service is designed by the individual to maximise control over their personal service. This service is operated and managed in partnership between the HSE and IWA across the 26 counties.

The success of IWA’s Assisted Living Service programme has been a direct result of the person-centred approach that IWA has pioneered in the area of service delivery. IWA is committed to ensuring that each individual availing of Assisted Living Services in their home or community can maintain their quality of life and have direct input into the individualised service they receive.

Gary Toner one of IWA’s Leaders who manages a self-directed package shares his personal experiences…

Objectives of the service

  1. To provide personal assistant services which are person-centred and agreed in consultation with the service user;
  2. To provide a tailored personal assistant service to meet each individual’s needs;
  3. To provide a service which focuses on promoting choice, independence and quality of life for its users.

What is the function of a Personal Assistant?

A Personal Assistant carries out tasks that the person with a disability might find difficult or impossible to do in their daily lives. Assistance is tailored to the wishes and needs of the person with a disability.

Tasks undertaken by an Assistant

Tasks will vary depending on the needs of each individual and may include some or all of the following types of assistance:

  • Personal care, including showering, bathing, toileting, transferring to bed/wheelchair etc;
  • Essential cooking, feeding and domestic support;
  • Social support e.g. trips to shops, social events, outings etc;
  • Essential overnight/weekend services;
  • Assistance for access to employment or education.

How is the service managed?

Two service packages are available from the Assisted Living Services

  • Self-directed or leader-managed package
    In a self-directed or leader-managed package, the person with the disability acts as the leader or service manager for IWA. This involves recruiting their own personal assistants, organising their weekly rosters, returning their timesheets, arranging holiday cover, etc. The leader can consult the service coordinator when necessary.

  • Supported package
    In the supported package, the service coordinator takes responsibility for some or all of the management, delivery and operation of the service

If you require any further information on the Assisted Living Service please contact your local office.

The Q Mark is the recognised Irish symbol that guarantees the highest standards of Quality and Excellence in Ireland. IWA was successfully awarded the Q Mark for Quality Management Systems within the Assisted Living Service (ALS) in 2013.

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