Day: May 1, 2019

Medical Care Abroad:

Before you travel abroad, it is important that you are prepared for any eventuality and have organised the necessary insurance to pay for any medical care you may require on your trip. Remember that foreign health systems may function very differently to the Irish one and in less developed countries,

The National Ambulance Services: In the public health service, Health Service Executive (HSE) Areas provide ambulance services to transport people who are seriously ill to hospital, or between hospitals. Ambulance services are part of the emergency services and can be contacted by telephoning 999 or 112. The National Ambulance Services operates from over

Obtaining Aids and Appliances: Medical and surgical aids can be extremely expensive. This is usually due to a combination of the intricacy of their manufacture and design and ‘medical inflation’, which increases the price for medical products at a greater rate than the economy grows. For many people, vital items that they need

Disability Federation of Ireland: Disabled People of Ireland is a group of disabled people who have come together to develop an organisation for disabled people and disabled peoples’ organisations (DPOs) in Ireland. We want to involve all disabled people regardless of “type” of disability and we strive to be inclusive and supportive to all. Why We Exist:

Disability Allowance Refusals Rise, But 70% of appeals granted New figures show that while there was a rise in the percentage of applications turned down for disability allowance last year, almost 70% of appeals were then upheld. By last December the number of recipients of disability allowance stood at 140,835, with 23,080 new applications received by the Department