First Aid Travel for Children:

What should I put in a child first aid travel kit?

Depending on the destination you choose for your family holiday, and your child’s general health, you should consider bringing a first aid kit. It is worth discussing this with your doctor, if you child has a medical history that should be considered.

Think about the particulars of your outing that may require special medications or supplies: cold climates, hot climates, malaria regions, countries where there are dangerous animals such as snakes or other poisonous creature, or long expeditions.

Also bear in mind that even in a non-exotic destination there may be a language difficulty in the local pharmacy and brand names will be entirely different. So bringing even simple items such the brand of nappy that you use, your regular brand of baby food and liquid pain killers is a very good idea.

How will I know if an item is suitable for children?

Always check the package for suitability and dosage for age of child. If in doubt, ask the pharmacist or phone your doctor.

What should I include for my children in the first aid kit?

This will depend on the health of your child and the location you are visiting. However the following is a brief guideline:

In terms of medication, you should include

  • Children’s paracetamol
  • Oral rehydration salts.
  • Calamine lotion.
  • Antiseptic, dressings and plasters.
  • Mild insect repellent.
  • Anti-Malaria tablets/syrup.
  • Motion sickness preparation.
  • Supply of regular medications.
  • Nappy rash cream.
  • Teething gel.
  • Baby wipes.
  • Nappies.


  • First aid manual or medical dictionary.
  • Tweezers.
  • Sterilisation equipment for babies’ bottles.
  • Equipment to boil water.
  • High factor sunscreen.
  • Thermometer for children, such as forehead strips.
  • Soap
  • Cotton balls, strips and swabs.
  • Scissors.

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