Learn 2 Cycle Meath:

This programme offers participants the opportunity to learn to cycle in a fun and safe environment. The programme is delivered by a qualified Cycling Ireland instructor from the Cycle Safety School and requires active parental involvement during the sessions. This programme proves invaluable for those taking part providing a great source of exercise and benefits in mobility and independent movement through a lifespan.

The Cycling Safety School bring bikes and helmets, but it is best for children to have their own bikes which can be adjusted to the correct height for the child to facilitate progress.

While every child will have their own learning curve, with active parental support during the sessions and frequent home practice between sessions, progress towards independent cycling can be evident from week to week.

  • 6 week programme
  • 60 minute sessions
  • 10-15 participants per group
  • €30 per programme (pending location and venue)

For more information please call Terry on 046-9067337 or email tdonegan@meathcoco.ie

*All Learn 2 Cycle programmes are currently postponed until further notice. Please see link below for videos on how to teach your child to cycle at home: 


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