Day: August 30, 2019

Specialist Clothing:

Companies that offer a range of adaptive clothing and accessories designed for children with special needs. Dunne’s Stores: SpecialKids.ieComapany: Special Needs Clothing & Accessories: Special Needs Bodysuits – Mark & Spencer: › home › Baby

5 Apps that Make Learning Easier for Students with Learning Disabilities: A significant portion of the school population have learning disabilities, ranging from dyslexia to autism. In the US, the NCES (National Center for Education Statistics) states that ” in 2017–18, some 34 percent of all students who received special education services had specific learning disabilities.” Unfortunately, not all education systems are

Beyond Limits the First Event of its Kind for Young People with Disabilities: 19th October Beyond Limits: Empowering young people with disabilities, a summit for young people with disabilities will be launched on Tuesday, 20th August at Croke Park. The event itself takes place at Croke Park on Saturday 19thOctober and will be opened by President Michael D Higgins. Beyond Limits is the first event

Decision to Cut €31.80 Training Allowance for People with Disabilities Slammed as an Attack on Society’s most Vulnerable: A decision to cut a vital training allowance for people with disabilities has been slammed as an attack on society’s most vulnerable. As thousands of students who received CAO offers on Friday prepare to take up college courses in the coming weeks, a cohort of students with disabilities face