Complaints, Bullying, Child Protection, Discrimination:

It is natural that a parent or guardian may from time to time have questions and concerns about their child’s experience in their school. This information aims to answer the questions commonly asked by parents. This information may also include students over 18 years of age.

This information is not intended to be used as an interpretation of legislation and is not prescriptive. The information is provided to inform parents about who they can contact when they have questions or concerns about their child’s experience in school.

Parental Complaints

The Department provides guidance to parents and students on the operation of the schools’ complaint procedures. Complaints can be about matters with staff or the school itself, e.g. class sizes, yard supervision, school transport, underperformance/competence issues or if you feel that you have been treated unfairly when you did complain.

For more information and answers to Frequently asked Questions see Parental Complaints


If your feel that your child is being bullied in school see our information and Frequently asked Questions on Bullying.

Child Protection Concerns

Where you suspect your child or another child may have been abused by another child or adult and / or you have a concern for the protection of your child. Severe bullying may also come within this category. See our information and Frequently asked Questions on Child Protection.


Under the Equal Status Acts 2000 to 2008 discrimination is unlawful on nine grounds: gender, marital status, family status,sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, membership of the Traveller community and race (including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin).

If you feel that your child has been discriminated against in their education and you have previously raised this matter with your school and remain unhappy with their response, you may refer the matter to The Equality Authority, Birchgrove House, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary; email or freephone 1890 245 545.

Further information about the complaints procedure and complaint forms can be obtained at



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