Day: October 7, 2019

IWA Accessible Gym: The IWA gym offers everyone an opportunity to enjoy a fitness workout in a fully accessible and inclusive environment. The Gym has a diverse membership base with membership open to IWA members, the general public, students & older adults (65+). We also accept referrals through the HSE GP Referral programme,

Cara Inclusive Fitness Training: This workshop is designed to increase the confidence and awareness of fitness managers, fitness professionals and all front line staff to work with people with disabilities in the fitness sector. The training will provide access to resources that will increase the knowledge of fitness managers and fitness professionals to

Inclusive Adventure Activities Training: This workshop is designed to inspire participants to help make their adventure activities and outdoor environments more accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities. The training will provide access to resources that will increase the knowledge related to Inclusive Adventure Activities.A pre-requisite prior to the face to face session

Changes to Summer Scheme for Children with Disabilities to be Considered after High Court Cases: THE GOVERNMENT IS to consider changes to an extended education scheme for children with severe learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorders after a number of court cases taken by parents of children who were rejected from the scheme. The Department of Education settled three cases taken by the parents