The National Housing Strategy for People with a Disability

The Housing Agency is actively involved in the implementation of The National Housing Strategy for People with a Disability 2011-2016 (NHSPWD) as extended to 2020 under Rebuilding Ireland. The NHSPWD is a framework for delivering housing to people with disabilities through mainstream housing sources.


The vision of the Strategy is as follows:

“to facilitate access, for people with disabilities, to the appropriate range of housing and related support services, delivered in an integrated and sustained manner, which promotes equality of opportunity, individual choice and independent living”.


In order to achieve this vision the following strategic aims have been outlined:

  1. To promote and mainstream equality of access for people with a disability to the full range of housing options available suited to individual and household need.
  2. To develop national protocols and frameworks for effective interagency cooperation which will facilitate person-centred delivery of housing and relevant support services.
  3. To support people with a disability to live independently in their own homes and communities, where appropriate.
  4. To address the specific housing needs of people with an intellectual and/or physical disability, moving from congregated settings in line with good practice, including through the development of frameworks to facilitate housing in the community.
  5. To address the specific housing needs of people with a mental health disability, including through the development of frameworks to facilitate housing in the community, for people with low and medium support needs moving from mental health facilities, in line with good practice.
  6. To consider good practice in the design, coordination and delivery of housing and related supports.
  7. To facilitate people with a disability to access appropriate advice and information in respect of their housing needs.
  8. To improve the collection and use of data/information regarding the nature and extent of the housing needs of people with a disability.
  9. To provide a framework to support the delivery, monitoring and review of agreed actions.


The NHSPWD sets out an integrated approach to the provision of housing and support services from the local authorities and the HSE, that will enable people with a disability to live the life of their choosing in their own homes, in accommodation that is designed and/or adapted, as necessary, to meet their needs.

Whilst previously many people with disabilities may have had their housing needs met through health-funded service providers, under this strategy people with disabilities will have better access to social housing through Local Authorities.

The National Implementation Framework for NHSPWD was published in 2012 and this along with the strategy was developed as part of a coherent framework, in conjunction with the Government’s mental health policy; A Vision for Change and the Report of the Working Group on Congregated Settings, to support people with disabilities to access community-based living with maximum independence and choice.

If you would like to find out more about housing options for people with a disability you can contact your local authority.


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