Progressing Disability Services

This is a national project established by the Health Service Executive (HSE) to change the way services are provided. There is a partnership approach to the project, with the HSE working with voluntary organisations they fund, like Enable Ireland. It is being organised at national, regional and local level.

What is it?

The aim of the ‘Progressing Disability Services for Children and Young People’ project is to achieve a national unified approach to delivering disability health services, so that each child has a clear pathway to the services they need regardless of where they live, what school they go to or the nature of their disability or delay.

Why is it needed?

Disability health services for children are organised and delivered very differently across the country because of the way services were introduced and developed over the years. Some voluntary organisations provide services for a specific grouping of children who have a particular type of disability, or the services are only available in one geographic area. This means that while there may be excellent services for some children in a certain area there may be little or no services for other children in another area. 

How is Enable Ireland involved?

As a voluntary organisation funded by the HSE, Enable Ireland is working alongside other voluntary agencies and the HSE to deliver this new model of service across the country. We are committed to working with the HSE and other voluntary agencies on this project in order to secure the best outcomes for children and young people with disabilities. How will it affect the service my child gets from Enable Ireland?
Local implementation groups have been arranged across the country to bring together all services in the area and to engage with parents in the change process. Enable Ireland is engaged with these local implementation groups. Up to date information on your local implementation group can be found in the newsletter below.

Where can I find out more about it?

If you have concerns or questions on how your service may be affected please contact your local Enable Ireland centre. 
You can also find out more by visiting the FAQ section on the HSE website. 

A regular newsletter is published about Progressing Children’s Disability Services with articles about what is happening around the different HSE areas, parent involvement updates and information on national guidance documentation to assist local areas in planning. 

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