Triple A Alliance:

The Wicklow Triple A Alliance was set up in 2002 by families living with Asperger’s Syndrome (now absorbed in to the autism diagnosis) Autism and ADHD- hence the name “Triple A Alliance”


Our aims and objectives

  • To be a support group for all our members and their families
  • To bring people together to share experiences
  • To have our voices heard
  • To promote the understanding and acceptance of neurodiversity in the community
  • To encourage our young members to develop the skills they need without comprising who they are

Our members have a large and diverse experience of the widely varying aspects of living with Autism Spectrum conditions. Autistic adults are well represented on the Triple A committee.

We host a wide range of events, some for parents and family members and others aimed at children and young people with a condition on the Autistic Spectrum. Each year we hold a number of support meetings, invite guest speakers to talk to our members. We host social activities for the children and young adults.

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