Vantastic is a Not for Profit Irish Charity that offers accessible transport services to people with disabilities, citizens (65+) with mobility impairments and not for profit groups.

The Vantastic services originated from the total lack of accessible transport in the early 1990’s and the efforts made by the Centre for Independent Living Dublin to establish a transport division (called Vantastic) with the twin aims of providing an accessible transport service for people with disabilities and also to act as a policy lobby group on government.

Vantastic was registered as a limited company (limited by guarantee not having share capital and tax-exempt under charitable status CHY13777) in June 2000. Since then it has operated as a membership-based organisation, managed by its own Voluntary Board of Directors who currently employ a total of c70 staff to provide 7 day a week accessible transport services.

Vantastic Charitable Object (as defined within our constitution)

Main Object

  • To provide flexible transport services for people with permanent or temporary mobility difficulties, physical & sensory disabilities and not for profit organisations that will incorporate users, service providers and key relevant agencies and link in with national policy aimed at providing fully accessible transport services for all.

Ancillary Object

  • To provide services that will primarily seek to facilitate such aforementioned users who are either unable to use public and private transport or for whom such transport is unavailable or inappropriate. It will seek to provide a means for users to integrate fully into training, education, employment, and social life.
  • To promote and develop the mainstreaming and integration of the concept of independent living for persons aforementioned and engage in action research programmes aimed at developing services that achieve transport for all.

Vantastic Vision

  • To provide a flexible,customer-focused fully accessible and affordable transport services for our members (people with disabilities, older people with mobility impairments and Not for Profit Organisations).
  • Through the provision of our transport services to contribute to the social and economic development of the areas where we operate particularly in relation to the education, training, recreation, social activities and employment of our members.
  • To work with existing and new transport providers and relevant agencies to develop a comprehensive transport network that is inclusive of all Vantastic Members.
  • Through the delivery of our transport services to create employment opportunities for people from disadvantaged groups.

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