Relaxation Tips:

Relaxing gives your mind and body time to recover from the stresses of everyday life. Breathing techniques and remembering to be present can help.

Relaxation tips

Fit things into your day that help you unwind. It’s different for everyone – for you, it could be:

  • listening to music
  • going for a walk
  • tea with friends
  • yoga
  • running
  • reading
  • watching television

Find something that you enjoy and make a conscious effort to do that relaxing thing every day. Even 10 minutes of downtime can help you manage stress better. The more pauses you can build into your day the calmer you’ll feel.

It can help to have a specific place where you go to relax. This can be your bedroom, bathroom, the garden shed or a small corner in the kitchen. It should be somewhere you feel comfortable and secure.

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Dealing with stress


We all take breathing for granted. It’s something that happens without us being conscious of it.

You can learn better breathing techniques. This can help to reduce stress, anxiety and panic.

Life is hectic but it only takes a few minutes to stop and breathe.

Concentrate on your breath

Take a couple of minutes to concentrate on how you breathe. You might realise that your breathing comes from the top of your chest. When we are stressed, tired or feeling anxious we tend to take shallow and fast breaths.

When we are relaxed we take slower and calmer breaths. This also helps us to feel calmer.

More oxygen keeps us working better all around. Changing how you feel physically can change how you feel mentally. Calming the physical feeling of anxiety – with deep breaths – can help to relieve an anxious mind.

Breathing techniques

Better breathing techniques can be learned. Breathing better will help your mind and body regain control of the situation.

Practice these tips to help you take a moment and breathe:

  • sit in a comfortable and supportive chair
  • put one hand on your chest and the other hand on your abdomen
  • breathe as you would normally, but notice where your breath is coming from in your body
  • concentrate on taking a deep breath – notice how your abdomen rises and falls
  • as you get used to taking deep breaths try holding the breath for a count of 4 and then exhaling to a count of 6 – this will encourage you to take deeper breaths
  • when taking a deep breath it’s important to focus on the exhale
  • as you get better at taking deep breaths, try working towards exhaling for 9 seconds and inhaling for 7

Being present

When your mind feels overloaded with thoughts or stress, it helps to pay attention to what’s around you.

Focus on what’s going on around you – the people walking past or the colour of the sky. Notice the colours, the textures, even the smells around you. This can help to remind you that you are more than the thoughts you are experiencing. It can bring you back into the moment.

Focus on your feelings

Whenever possible, take a moment to focus on your feelings at various points during the day. This gives you time and space to decide if it’s possible to change your feelings. This could help to improve your day or situation.

Even noticing how you are feeling can change how you feel. Despite how bad things may seem, sometimes you can change your feelings about a situation.

The more you practice noticing your feelings, the better you’ll get. The important thing is to focus on the feeling without judgement, just kindness.

Pay attention to your walk

If possible, when you’re feeling stressed, go for a walk for a minute or two. Really focus on each step that you take – concentrating on how it feels to bring your foot down and then up again.

Notice the movement of your body and the swing of your arms. All the related sensations and sounds you experience as you walk. It might sound odd, but this can help to focus you on the moment.

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