St. Hilda’s Services:

St. Hilda’s Services is a voluntary organisation that provides a comprehensive quality service to people with mild, moderate and severe intellectual disabilities. Based in Athlone our services benefit in excess of 120 services users and their families. St. Hilda’s Services unique governing structure which is predominantly parents and families of service users ensures that the care of people within the service always comes first.

The principles of person centered planning are embraced throughout the organisation and all planning within the St. Hilda’s Services is driven by the individual’s and families who avail of our services. St. Hilda’s Services is committed to providing a service that puts the choices of the people we work with first, with all staff working in partnership with families and service users to promote this everything that we do.

Our approach for supporting good life

  1. Exploring/Discovering/Listening/Observing (What are likes?) things you notice/Skills/Assets
  2. Support person – need to understand their role. Support person is a bridge to relationships not the relationship itself
  3. What other connections can be created or supported?
  4. Can you match the skills/assets to an activity that leads to as role?
  5. Does the activity create a relationship in the life of a person?
  6. Consistent approach to activities to build confidence and relationships
  7. Does the activity lead to a role for the individual?
  8. Communication with families re concerns – what would they advise?

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