Carer Entitlements

Dependent Relative Tax Credit

Dependent Relative Tax Credit: If you are caring for a dependent relative you may qualify for the Dependent Relative Tax Credit. Rules You can claim Dependent Relative Tax Credit if you maintain at your own expense: A relative, including a relative of your spouse or civil partner, who is unable

Taxation of Social Welfare Payments

Taxation of Social Welfare Payments: All income in Ireland is generally subject to taxation. Your social welfare payment may or may not be deemed taxable but even if your social welfare payment is taxable, you may not actually have to pay tax on it. If you are getting a social

Exceptional Needs Payments

Urgent Needs Payments: Urgent Needs Payments are payments under the Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme. You do not have to meet the habitual residence condition to qualify for an urgent needs payment. Rules An Urgent Needs Payment may be paid to people in emergency situations. For example, in the case of a fire,

Telephone Support Allowance

Telephone Support Allowance: A new payment, the Telephone Support Allowance (TSA), was announced during Budget 2018 and comes into effect the week commencing 4 June 2018. Those eligible to receive this payment, which is worth €2.50 a week, will receive a letter from the Department before 4 June to confirm

Rent Supplement

Rent Supplement: Rent Supplement is a means-tested payment for certain people living in private rented accommodation who cannot provide for the cost of their accommodation from their own resources. In the past, you could apply for Rent Supplement if you were qualified for social housing support and were on the

Household Benefits Package

Household Benefits Package: The Household Benefits Package is a package of allowances which help you with the costs of running your household. The package is available to everyone aged over 70 and to people under age 70 in certain circumstances. You must be legally resident and living permanently in the

Domiciliary Care Allowance

Domiciliary Care Allowance: Domiciliary Care Allowance (DCA) is a monthly payment for a child aged under 16 with a severe disability, who requires ongoing care and attention, substantially over and above the care and attention usually required by a child of the same age. It is not means tested. You

Diet and Heating Supplement

Diet and heating supplements: If you have special dietary and heating needs you may be able to get additional weekly supplements under the Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme. You must satisfy the specific requirements for each supplement – see ‘Rules’ below. Rules Diet supplement The diet supplement was discontinued for new applicants from 1 February

Carers Support Grant

The Carer’s Support Grant: The Carer’s Support Grant is an annual payment made to carers by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP). The scheme name was changed from the Respite Care Grant in 2016 to better reflect how the Grant is used. Carers can use the grant

Carers Benefit

Carer’s Benefit: Carer’s Benefit is a payment made to insured people who leave the workforce to care for a person(s) in need of full-time care and attention. You can get Carer’s Benefit for a total period of 104 weeks for each person being cared for. This may be claimed as