Employment & Education Schemes

Employment Discrimination – My Issue Is About Disability:

What is disability in relation to the workplace? The law which deals with disability in the workplace is the Employment Equality Acts 1998 – 2015 (EEA). It defines disability in a particular way.  It applies to: The total or partial absence of a person’s bodily or mental functions Chronic disease

Discrimination with Education – I Have an Issue about Education:

The Equal Status Acts 2000-2018 (ESA) makes it unlawful for educational establishments to discriminate on any of the nine grounds. Educational establishments include preschool services, primary or secondary schools, and institutions which provide continuing or third level education, for example universities.  This includes both public and private establishments. Vocational training is covered under the Employment

Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme

Under the July Jobs Stimulus Package the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) has replaced the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS) from 1 September 2020. It will run until 31 March 2021. Under the EWSS scheme, employers and new firms in sectors impacted by COVID-19 whose turnover has fallen 30% will get a flat-rate subsidy

Disability Payments and Work

If you are getting certain disability payments you may be allowed to work or attend training. People getting Illness Benefit and Invalidity Pension cannot work (except for unpaid voluntary work). They must transfer to the Partial Capacity Benefit scheme if they wish to work. If you are getting a means-tested payment, your

Social Welfare Payments and the Student Grant

If you are returning to education and have been getting a social welfare payment you may qualify for the Back to Education Allowance or the student grant depending on your circumstances. You cannot get the Back to Education Allowance (BTEA) and a full student grant at the same time. If

Rehab Services for Employers:

https://www.rehab.ie/national-learning-network/support-for-employers/ – Employer Services – Benefits of NLN to employers – Employing people with Disabilities – Employer testimonials – Employee Testimonials – FAQ

Fall in Number of Post-Secondary Courses for those with Intellectual Disabilities:

https://www.rte.ie/news/education/2019/1010/1082434-intellectual-disabilities/ There has been a significant fall in the number of post-secondary school courses available through Higher Education institutions for people with intellectual disabilities, according to a new report. In 2014 there were 16 such courses, running in 16 colleges throughout the country. However, by this year that had fallen


https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/education/vocational_education_and_training/youthreach.html h If you have left school without any formal qualifications, the Youthreach programme can provide you with opportunities for basic education, personal development, vocational training and work experience. The programme is generally full-time, although part-time courses can be arranged. You can concentrate on a core training area of your choice but

Supporting People with Autism to Access Employment:

https://www.rte.ie/news/business/2019/0621/1056669-supporting-people-with-autism-to-access-employment/ Around 15,000 people with autism in Ireland could be suitable candidates for lots of jobs, particularly in the data analytics and tech sectors. Specialisterne Ireland is a specialist employment agency that helps people with autism to access employment, and helps employers recruit and retain people with autism. Autism is