Health Services

Irish Association for Counselling and Therapy:

Our work promotes best practice and the development of the profession as well as safeguard the public. As a registered Charity (CHY 6615) representing over 4,500 members, we are the largest Counselling and Psychotherapy Association in Ireland.  What we do We are a link between those who are looking for

List of Children Hospitals in Dublin North:

Children’s University Hospital: Temple Street, Dublin 1 Tel: 01 878 4200 Fax: 01 874 8355 Website: Admissions: 01 878 4275 or 01 878 4276 Accident and Emergency: 01 878 4261 X-ray: 01 878 4265 Appointments: 01 878 4218 Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children: Crumlin Tel: 01 409 6100

Optometric and Ophthalmic Services

Optometric or ophthalmology services provided through the public health service are provided free of charge to certain people by optometrists, dispensing opticians and ophtalmologists. While some of these health professionals are employed directly by the Health Service Executive (HSE), the majority of those providing these services do so on a

Prescribed Drugs and Medicines

If you are ordinarily resident, you are entitled to either free or subsidised approved prescribed drugs and medicines and certain medical and surgical aids and appliances. Changes to prescription rules in response to COVID-19 On 3 April 2020, the Minister for Health announced changes to how prescriptions are issued and repeated for the

Maternity and Infant Care Services: The Maternity and Infant Care Scheme provides an agreed programme of care to all expectant mothers who are ordinarily resident in Ireland. This service is provided by a family doctor (GP) of your choice and a hospital obstetrician. You are entitled to this service even if you do not have a

Travelling From Ireland for Healthcare in Europe: If you are resident in Ireland you can choose to access healthcare in other countries in the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (the EEA also includes Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) or Switzerland. You can get planned healthcare abroad under the Treatment Abroad Scheme or the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive. In general, the Cross-Border

GP Out of Hours Service Information: GPs provide Out of Hours services for their patients usually through GP Co-operatives which the HSE part funds. The out of hour service is for urgent medical care only and is for public and private patients of GPs who are registered with the individual service (see list below). To

List of Health Services in Ireland: Services by Topics The HSE provides health and social services to everyone living in Ireland. Our services are delivered to young and old, in hospitals, health facilities and in communities across the country Apply & Register: Benefits and Schemes: Medical and GP Visit Cards, Drugs Payment, EHIC and more. Births, Deaths, Marriages:Registration,

Palliative Care: Citizens Information Palliative care aims to provide the best quality of life possible for a terminally ill patient and their family, including keeping the patient free from pain as far as is possible. It responds to physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs and extends to support in bereavement. The Health Service

About the Palliative Care Programme: The programme was established in 2010 as a joint initiative of the HSE Clinical Strategy and Programmes Division and the Royal College of Physicians. The programme aims to ensure that persons with life-limiting conditions and their families can easily access a level of palliative care service that is appropriate