Home Care

St. Michael’s House:

https://www.smh.ie/ St. Michael’s House provides a comprehensive range of services and supports to men, women, and children with intellectual disabilities and their families in 170 locations in the greater Dublin Area. It supports 1,782 people and this has an impact on thousands of family members. St. Michael’s House is a

Irish Wheelchair Association: Assisted Living Services

Assisted Living Services: Assisted Living Services IWA Services The largest of IWA’s service areas is the Assisted Living Service which provides the service of a personal assistant to individuals with physical and sensory disabilities. These services assist individuals in their homes and communities facilitating community participation, access to education, employment

CASA: Care & Sharing Association

Caring & Sharing Association (CASA): CASA: Care & Sharing Association Website Caring and Sharing Association (CASA) is a registered charity that works closely with those who need our services most. The aim is to develop friendships and provide respite and social outlets for people with disabilities. We are unique in

Tax Relief on the Costs of Employing a Home Carer

Tax relief on the costs of employing a home carer You can claim tax relief on the cost of employing a carer either if you employ one for yourself, or for another family member. You can employ the carer directly or you can use an agency that employs carers. If

Home Carer Tax Credit

Home Carer Tax Credit: A Home Carer Tax Credit is a tax credit given to married couples or civil partners (who are jointly assessed for tax) where one spouse or civil partner works in the home caring for a dependent person. The tax you are liable to pay is calculated

Day Care Centres:

Day Centers: Day centres or day care centres in Ireland provide a range of social and rehabilitative services for older people and people with disabilities. Day centres include centres that provide day activation, such as recreational, sport and leisure facilities, and specialised clinic facilities that provide a combination of medical

Family Carers Ireland

Family Carer: A family carer is described as someone who is providing an ongoing significant level of care to a person who is in need of care in the home due to illness or disability or frailty. The care that family and other carers provide involves looking after the needs