Thinking Education

Assistive Technology Sites: AbilityNet: AbilityNet is a UK site, offering factsheets and training related to Assistive Technology. It also has a nice ‘Quick Links’ feature. Abledata: Abledata is a US-based site containing a database of over 20,000 Assistive Technology products. The database contains detailed descriptions of each product including price and company information.

Irish Software Suppliers: Andrews Award Systems: Based in Dublin, are the resellers for all the R-E-M software in Ireland. Catalogues for R-E-M products are available online from Diskovery Educational Software: Based in Portmarnock, they have a wide range of software and will send titles on 28-day approval to schools. It has

Organisations and Resources for Post-Primary Schools: Information The following websites and list of organisations have been compiled to help parents and teachers. You may find them particularly helpful if your child is starting post-primary education in Ireland for the first time. You may also find these resources useful if you will be moving to Ireland soon and

Organisations and Resources for Primary Schools: Information: The following websites and list of organisations have been compiled to help parents and teachers. You may find them particularly helpful if your child is starting second-level education in Ireland for the first time. You may also find these resources useful if you will be moving to Ireland or returning to

Education Support Centres Ireland: h The Association of Teachers/Education Centers in Ireland is the umbrella organisation of the 21 full-time and 9 part-time Education Centres in Ireland. It represents the interest of the network as a whole including both part-time and full-time Directors, staff and management committees of all centres. The executive of

The National Behavioural Support Service (NBSS): NBSS Model of Support to Schools: The National Behaviour Support Service (NBSS) was established by the Department of Education & Skills in 2006 in response to the recommendation in School Matters: The Report of the Task Force on Student Behaviour in Second Level Schools (2006).  The role of the NBSS is

The Special Education Support Service (SESS): On 20th March, 2017 three support services; Special Education Support Service (SESS)National Behaviour Support Service (NBSS)Visiting Teacher Service for Children who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing and Children who are Blind/Visually Impaired (VTHVI)  transferred from the Department of Education and Skills (DES) to the National Council for Special Education (NCSE)

National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) NEPS psychologists work with both primary and post-primary schools and are concerned with learning, behaviour, social and emotional development. Each psychologist is assigned to a group of schools. NEPS psychologists specialise in working with the school community. They work in partnership with teachers, parents and children in identifying educational

The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment: Early Childhood: Aistear is the early childhood curriculum framework for all children from birth to six years in Ireland. Aistear can be used in the range of early childhood settings including children’s own homes, childminding settings, full and part-time daycare settings, sessional services and infant classes in primary schools.