Thinking Finance

Medical Cards

Medical Card: If you have a medical card issued by the Health Service Executive (HSE), you can receive certain health services free of charge. Normally, your dependent spouse or partner and your children are also covered for the same range of health services. To qualify for a medical card, your weekly

Home Support Service

Home Care Package Scheme: The Health Service Executive (HSE) has responsibility for the delivery of public health community and home care supports at local level, including the Home Care Package scheme. What is the Home Care Package scheme? The Home Care Package (HCP) scheme is an administrative scheme, operated by

GP Visit Card

GP Visit Card: If you do not qualify for a medical card you may be eligible for a GP visit card. A GP visit card allows you to visit a participating family doctor for free. Unless you have a medical card or a GP visit card, visits to GPs are not free.

Trust Funds for Permanently Incapacitated People

Trust Funds for Permanently Incapacitated People: You can set up trust funds from the proceeds of public subscriptions to benefit those who are permanently and totally incapacitated. (“Permanently incapacitated” means the beneficiary of the fund is totally and permanently unable to maintain themselves as a result of physical or mental

Wards of Court

Wards of Court: When a person becomes unable to manage their assets because of mental incapacity, an application can be made to the courts for them to become a Ward of Court. The court must make a decision as to whether they are capable of managing their own property for

Legal Arrangements for Incapacity

Legal Arrangements for Incapacity: Introduction: There may be many reasons why you are unable to deal with your affairs. For example, you may be physically unable to collect your pension or you may acquire an illness or disability that limits your ability to make decisions. If you become incapable of

Going Abroad or on Holidays and Social Welfare Payments

Going Abroad or on Holidays and Social Welfare Payments: You can get certain Irish social welfare payments and live in another country. You can also continue to get certain social welfare payments if you are on holiday abroad for a specific period of time or if you are getting medical

Basic Bank Accounts

Basic Bank Accounts: Some people in Ireland do not have a bank account because of the cost involved or because they have never opened or used a bank account. These people are financially excluded. A person is considered financially excluded if they don’t have access to services offered by mainstream

Tax Relief on Nursing Home Fees and for Dependent Relatives

Tax Relief on Nursing Home Fees: Income tax relief is available on fees paid for nursing homes. You claim tax relief for nursing home fees under the general scheme for tax relief on medical expenses. Tax relief on nursing home fees applies at the highest rate of income tax that you pay.

The Homemaker’s Scheme

The Homemaker’s Scheme: The Homemaker’s Scheme makes it easier for a homemaker to qualify for the State Pension (Contributory). A homemaker, for the purposes of the Homemaker’s Scheme (which was introduced from 6 April 1994), is a man or woman who provides full-time care for a child under age 12 or