Thinking Home & Caring

Ataxia Foundation Ireland: Welcome to our new charity, Ataxia Foundation Ireland (CLG) a Company Limited by Guarantee. The New Voluntary National Support Group for people affected by Friedreich’s Ataxia (The most common Genetic Ataxia) and up to 50 other Ataxia’s. The organisation was founded by four people with Ataxia, to form the board of directors and

Heart Children Ireland: We are a nationwide organisation with over 1,000 member families. We were founded in 1990 and are a registered charity. We are a completely voluntary group and currently receive no government funding. We depend on our own fundraising and donations from individuals and businesses. In the first 25 years of our existence,

Cleft Lip & Palate Association of Ireland (CLAPAI): CLAPAI seeks to provide support through talking to new parents and providing advice on feeding, and ongoing medical care throughout the treatment. Most of the people active on the CLAPAI committee are parents themselves, and thus are in a position to give a valuable perspective, practical advice and support.

HSE: Useful Links Please note websites which are not Irish may contain information on services which may not be relevant in this country ASD / Autism: Syndrome:www.angelman.ie Injury:www.abiireland.iewww.headway.ieCerebral Palsy: Palate:’s Syndrome:’s-syndrome/ / Dyspraxia: Alcohol: X:’s Ataxia: Developmental Delay: Impairment: Disability: Disability (Mild / Moderate / Severe Profound): Dystrophy: Willi Syndrome: Syndrome: Bifida:

Disability Services in Your County: Click on your county to learn what disability services are available: Carlow/Kilkenny | Cavan/Monaghan | Clare | Cork North | Cork North Lee | Cork South Lee | Cork WestDonegal | Dublin North | Dublin North Central | Dublin North West | Dublin South City | Dublin South East | Dublin South West | Dublin West | Dun Laoghaire |Galway |Kerry | Kildare/West Wicklow | Kilkenny/Carlow|Laois/Offaly | Leitrim/Sligo | Limerick | Limerick East/Tipperary North | Longford/Westmeath | Louth |Mayo | Meath | Monaghan/Cavan |Offaly/Laois|Roscommon|Sligo/Leitrim |Tipperary North/Limerick East | Tipperary South |Waterford | Wexford | Wicklow | West Wicklow/Kildare | Westmeath/Longford

Eir Accessibility: Accessibility: Accessibility Statement: Access to telecommunications services has the potential to greatly enhance quality of life, for our customers regardless of age and abilities.  All members of society can enjoy the benefits available from modern telecommunications in Ireland. In this section we provide details of the services and devices

Bluebird Care: The support we provide for people with intellectual disabilities is tailored to each individual’s needs – we do not believe in a ‘one size fits all’ approach. We believe in a person-centred approach which means that the needs of the individual are at the heart of everything we do. Person-centred planning is

First Aid Travel for Children: What should I put in a child first aid travel kit?How will I know if an item is suitable for children?What should I include for my children in my first aid kit? What should I put in a child first aid travel kit? Depending on the destination you choose