Thinking Home & Caring

Children in Hospital Ireland Information

About Children in Hospital Ireland: Children in Hospital Ireland website At the heart of CHI’s work is its play service which is now available to children in hospitals throughout Ireland.  CHI is the only charity managing such a voluntary service in Irish hospitals.  By providing engaging and supportive play in

Learning your child has a disability

Informing Families of their Child’s Disability: Informing Families of their Child’s Disability Website The Informing Families Project developed best practice guidelines for informing families of their child’s disability, and supporting families receiving this news. The guidelines were developed through consultation and research with families and professionals. In this section of the website you can:  

Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation

Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation: Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation Website The Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation provides direct funding, to families of children up to the age of five who suffer severe intellectual and physical developmental delay, enabling them to purchase home respite care. We also provide end of

Self-Help Therapy

Self-help therapy: There are many types of self-help therapy, including: books online tools phone and email counselling Self-help books There are thousands of self-help books available in bookshops, libraries or online. Some are excellent, but many are not. Check whether a book was written by an accredited counsellor or therapist

Talking Therapies

Talking Therapies: Talking therapies are psychological treatments. They involve talking to a trained therapist to support you to deal with negative thoughts and feelings. They help you to make positive changes. This may take place in: a group one-to-one using a computer over the phone There are many types of

Sign Language Interpreting Service

Sign Language Interpreting Service: Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS) is the national Sign Language Interpreting Service for Ireland. Established in 2007, SLIS is supported and funded through the Citizens Information Board. The mission of SLIS is to ensure Deaf people can live as full and equal citizens. We achieve this

Going to College

Going to Collage: When you are leaving school you may be intending to start work or you may be planning to go to college. Many young people go onto to third-level or higher education after they have obtained their Leaving Certificate. Some people work for a number of years and then go to college

Free Travel

Free Travel: Everyone aged 66 and over, legally resident and living permanently in the State, is entitled to the Free Travel Scheme. Some people under 66 also qualify. If you qualify for free travel, you are issued with a card that you must carry with you when using public transport.

Disability Parking Card

Disability Parking Card: Disabled Person’s Parking Permits or Cards (also known as European Parking Cards or Disabled Parking Badge) are available to people living in Ireland with certain disabilities and those who are registered blind, whether they are drivers or passengers. The parking card can be used by a disabled

How to Reclaim VAT on Aids and Appliances for Persons with Disabilities

VAT refunds on aids and appliances used by people with disabilities: If you live in Ireland and you have a disability, you may get a refund of Value-Added Tax (VAT) on certain special aids and appliances that you need. In some cases people who pay for aids and appliances that are for