Thinking News & Events

Diagnosis Not Needed To Secure SNA Support For Children: Thousands of parents will no longer need to pay for a diagnosis of a disability in order to access special needs assistants (SNA) for their children under major changes to the €500 million scheme. The Department of Education is instead planning to automatically front-load 17,000 SNAs to schools in

‘Tippy Tappy’ Wheelchair Hurling’s best thing I’ve Done: You really have to see it to believe it. There is no pulling back just because someone is in a wheelchair. I remember one lad got taken to hospital for concussion because he got bashed against a wall. Another went through a fire escape because of the pace he

What Supports Might Help You To Get Into College? Supports Available For Disadvantaged Students: Access Programmes are used to assist school-leavers who have experienced disadvantages throughout their post-primary education. These programmes can support eligible applicants to gain access to courses in Higher Education on a reduced points entry basis. There are two main Access Programmes that run in

€1.5 Million Fund Created to Offer Work Opportunities for People with Disabilities: A new €1.5 million fund has been created by the Social Innovation Fund Ireland (SIFI) and US financial services group State Street to offer more opportunities in the workplace for people with disabilities. The partnership will see the “ability to work fund” created to provide funding over three years to organisations

Donaghadee Sets up Ireland’s First Disabled Friendly Golf Hub: By John Haughey Trevor Hillen’s pride is palpable on this gloriously sunny autumn morning at his beloved Donaghadee Golf Club. He looks across a crowded putting green as Ireland’s World One-Arm Golf Champion Cian Arthurs is giving putting lessons to children from nearby Killard House Special School. One doesn’t

This Belfast Employer Began Hiring People With Intellectual Disabilities 20 Years Ago. It Paid Off: Patricia Saucier of Searsport has worked for Support Services at Bank of America for 20 years.ABIGAIL CURTIS / MAINE PUBLIC When Patricia Saucier was a teenager, she felt as if her life story would be defined by what she could not do. As a child, she was diagnosed with an intellectual

Toyota Release £250,000 for Disability Sport in UK: Toyota has launched a new £250,000 ($322,000/€290,000) fund in the United Kingdom to provide training and equipment for Para-athletes. The scheme has been launched through the car giant’s online hub Parasport, which aims to get more disabled people active. Registered activity providers who are signed up to Parasport can

Is Apple’s Inclusion Of Disability-Themed Emojis Four Years Too Late?: On Monday, October 28, Apple released nearly 60 new emoji characters with its iOS 13.2 software update. Among interracial couples and gender-neutral characters, the emoji keyboard now includes the anticipated disability-centric characters and icons. Now included in Apple’s emoji library are service dogs for the blind and characters in wheelchairs and

How To Make Workplaces More Welcoming For Employees With Disabilities: October was National Disability Employment Awareness Month. It’s a time each year when disability organizations, elected officials, business experts, and journalists discuss the status of disabled people in the job market and workplace. We generally start by taking stock of the size and shape of the disability employment gap. It’s

Mayo Employers urged to Increase Access to People with Disabilities: The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission has called on Mayo employers to think about how they can make access to job recruitment and workplaces across the county fairer for people with disabilities. The Commission has also asked that employers ensure to speak directly with people with disabilities to