Thinking Therapy & Services

Irish Society for Disability & Oral Health

About the Irish Society for Disability & Oral Health: Irish Society for Disability & Oral Health Website Irish Society for Disability & Oral Health Vision: “Equal access, oral health for all” Irish Society for Disability & Oral Health Mission: “Empowering people with special healthcare needs and those who support them

Children in Hospital Ireland Information

About Children in Hospital Ireland: Children in Hospital Ireland website At the heart of CHI’s work is its play service which is now available to children in hospitals throughout Ireland.  CHI is the only charity managing such a voluntary service in Irish hospitals.  By providing engaging and supportive play in

Learning your child has a disability

Informing Families of their Child’s Disability: Informing Families of their Child’s Disability Website The Informing Families Project developed best practice guidelines for informing families of their child’s disability, and supporting families receiving this news. The guidelines were developed through consultation and research with families and professionals. In this section of the website you can:  

Public Health Nurses

Public Health Nurses: Public health nurses are employed by the Health Service Executive (HSE) to provide a range of health care services in the community. They are usually based in your local health centre and are assigned to cover specific geographical areas. They provide services in schools, in health centres, in day

Speech & Language Therapists:

Speech & Language Therapists: Speech & Language Therapists Much of what we do in our daily lives involves communicating and interacting with others. Communication skills are important for things like expressing our thoughts and needs, listening to others, being able to work together with someone to solve a problem. If

Physiotherapy Services

Physiotherapy Services: Physiotherapy services delivered through the public health service are generally provided in hospitals, either on an in-patient or out-patient basis. Physiotherapists are specialized members of the healthcare profession who use mainly physical means such as exercise, manipulation, massage and electrical methods of therapy. This therapy is used to treat

Occupational Therapy Services

Occupational Therapy Services: Occupational therapy services are designed to help people who have a disability (physical, psychological or social) to achieve the maximum degree of independence in ordinary living. Many occupational therapists work in Health Service Executive (HSE) Local Health Offices or Primary Care Teams. In theory, everyone who needs the service

Medical Cards

Medical Card: If you have a medical card issued by the Health Service Executive (HSE), you can receive certain health services free of charge. Normally, your dependent spouse or partner and your children are also covered for the same range of health services. To qualify for a medical card, your weekly

GP Visit Card

GP Visit Card: If you do not qualify for a medical card you may be eligible for a GP visit card. A GP visit card allows you to visit a participating family doctor for free. Unless you have a medical card or a GP visit card, visits to GPs are not free.

The Early Intervention and School Age Disability Teams:

Early Intervention Team: Who are we? The Early Intervention Team is for children, aged 0-6 years, and their families who have complex developmental needs. The team comprises of an Occupational Therapist, Clinical/Educational Psychologist, Physiotherapist, Social Worker and Speech and Language Therapist. Where are we? We are based in HSE, Computer