Mobility Scooters:

If your ability to walk reasonable distances is limited or deteriorating, you may be considering getting a mobility scooter. Before obtaining one, it is important to consider a number of factors about yourself and about scooters, so that you and/or your carers can make informed decisions and choices.

The aim of this factsheet is to provide basic information for you to consider before obtaining a mobility scooter, including your needs and your current circumstances; the various categories of scooter; the practical requirements when owning a scooter; and accessories that might be useful to you.

Whilst it is recognised that having a mobility scooter can enable you to get out and participate in activities that may otherwise be inaccessible to you, you are encouraged to try and walk at least short distances, if this is possible for you. The health benefits of physical activity are well recognised and can help to maintain the mobility and physical ability that you currently have.

The information contained in this document is strictly for information purposes only. There are hazards with all equipment and the suitability of any solution is totally dependent on the individual. It is strongly recommended to seek professional advice and assistance before you consider buying any type of equipment mentioned in this Information Sheet.

Provision of equipment

Medical Card Holders

Equipment for people with disabilities, sometimes referred to as aids and appliances, is usually supplied free of charge to medical card holders. The card holder must first be assessed by a suitably qualified therapist who can recommend and prescribe the most appropriate equipment.

Long Term Illness Card Holders

People who have one of the conditions listed as qualifying under the Department of Health’s Long Term Illness Scheme may be eligible to receive items of equipment, essential for the primary condition, free of charge. Assessment by the relevant professional is required.

Hospital Treatment

People in hospital may have aids and appliances provided free of charge when they are prescribed as part of in-hospital treatment in a public hospital.

Health Insurance Schemes

The main companies offering private health insurance in Ireland. These are:

  • Voluntary Health Insurance (VHI)
  • Irish Life Health
  • Laya Healthcare
  • GloHealth

Some policies provide members with cover for a limited number of aids and appliances under their outpatient schemes. A list of approved appliances is available on request. A claim for the reimbursement (part or full) will be subject to a member’s outpatient excess. Medical certification is usually necessary. Contact your health insurance company’s Customer Services to check if a particular appliance is covered by your policy.

Some employers have their own special health insurance schemes that provide cover for their employees. The employee’s family is also often covered. Check with the employer to see what, if any, equipment is covered under the scheme.


Depending on the type of equipment required, a qualified therapist will assess the individual and make a recommendation to the body responsible for the provision of the equipment or to the person or agency who has requested the assessment. Generally the following applies, but the assessment process and provision may vary in different parts of the country.

  • Occupational therapists will assess for aids to daily living – these include wheelchairs, mobility aids, specialised chairs, bath, shower and toilet aids, stairlifts, hoists etc
  • Physiotherapists will assess for movement, strength and balance training equipment, walking aids and exercise devices
  • Speech and language therapists will assess for communication, speech therapy, and training aids
  • Other relevant therapists and specialists may also be involved in carrying out assessments, depending on the equipment or appliance required.

All the different therapists described above are based in hospitals, community care areas, and with various voluntary agencies. For more information, contact the Community Care section of your Health Services Executive area or the relevant hospital department as appropriate.

Purchase of equipment

Private Purchase of Equipment

Private purchase may be necessary if the user is not eligible to obtain the necessary equipment from the local area health services. Some people may also choose to buy privately because they want the wider choice of equipment available on the private market.

The purchaser has the option of:

  • personally funding the cost of the equipment,
  • applying to charities/benevolent funds etc for funding,
  • buying second-hand,
  • checking with your health insurance company, if a member, to see if, or what, reimbursement is available.

Private Purchase – Applying for a VAT Refund

VAT paid on certain equipment which is privately purchased for use by a person with a disability can be reclaimed from Revenue. The relief applies to VAT on the purchase of goods which are aids and appliances designed to assist a disabled person to overcome a disability in the performance of their daily functions. Most aids to daily living and communication aids are included. Goods designed for leisure purposes are not. An invoice clearly stating the VAT content of the total amount paid must be included with the application. Contact Revenue’s Central Repayments Office to request Form VAT 61a (see Useful Addresses), or you can apply online for a VAT refund using eRepayments in Revenue’s myAccount service.

Private Occupational Therapists

Occupational therapists in private practice can carry out assessments in the home or workplace, and if home modifications are being considered, provide a report detailing the recommendations. It is important to ensure the therapist is experienced in relation to your particular needs. Make sure to discuss fees before engaging anyone’s services, and also check what the assessment fee includes (or does not include). The profession’s representative body, the Association of Occupational Therapists in Ireland (AOTI), keeps a list of contact details of member occupational therapists working in private practice in Ireland. This list is available from the AOTI (see Useful Addresses).

Private Physiotherapists

Physiotherapists can assess for movement, strength and balance training equipment, walking aids and exercise devices and recommend accordingly. If you wish to consult a physiotherapist you can go directly to your local chartered physiotherapist or ask your GP to refer you. It is important to ensure the therapist you consult is experienced in relation to your particular needs. Chartered physiotherapists work in hospitals and in the community where treatment is covered under the public health service. They also work in private practice and can be contacted through the profession’s representative body, the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists (see Useful Addresses).

Second-hand equipment

Buying second-hand can be a cheaper way of finding a solution to your mobility difficulties but, since choice is more limited, you must make sure that you do not compromise on your essential requirements. Also check that what you are buying is in good working order. You do have certain consumer rights when buying second-hand; for example, the seller must accurately describe the product he/she is selling; and you should be made fully aware of any faults that need attention. If possible, obtain a written description of the product from the seller before you buy so that, should you find any faults, you can get your money back more easily.

There are basically two sources of second-hand equipment: equipment retailers and private individuals.

Buying from a mobility equipment retailer

Some commercial suppliers of mobility scooters also buy unwanted scooters, recondition them, and then offer them for sale with a short guarantee of, for example, three months. Buying second-hand from a retailer is generally more expensive than buying from a private individual, but the vehicle is likely to have been serviced and should be in reasonable working order. If you are buying a second hand scooter, ensure you are given the accompanying literature, an instruction manual and any service history.

Buying from a private individual

Some mainstream magazines and several disability organisations publish journals that contain advertisements for second-hand equipment. If you are buying second-hand from a private individual, you must make sure that the mobility scooter has been regularly maintained, that you also receive accompanying literature, for example a care manual; and that you receive instructions on how to control and steer the vehicle. You will also need to find the local company able to service your vehicle and carry out future repairs.

Selecting the appropriate mobility scooter

Before buying, it is strongly recommended that you seek the advice of an occupational therapist on the suitability of the scooter to your needs. It is recommended you try out and compare a range of vehicles from different suppliers if possible.

If the scooter is being provided by the health services, the occupational therapist and wheelchair service provider will be able to assist you in selecting the most suitable vehicle for you.

You can arrange to visit a supplier’s showroom (if they have one) and most will have a website with details of their products and services.

Sometimes suppliers organise exhibitions of different types of equipment in various locations around the country allowing people to see and try equipment. These exhibitions are often advertised in the local paper or on local radio. You can also request to be put on a supplier’s mailing list so you will be notified if there is an event being held in your area.

Some companies will give equipment for a try-out period before purchase. Enquiries should also be made about maintenance (if it will be required), maintenance contracts (if relevant) and whether a user manual is provided with the equipment (essential).

When purchasing from any supplier, it is important to remember that it is their business to sell. There may be several suppliers of that particular piece of equipment or different manufacturers of the same type of equipment, so always shop around.

Before purchase, the following should be checked:

  • What is the delivery time?
  • Will the scooter arrive ready assembled?
  • What guarantee is available?
  • What after-care service is offered?
  • How much is the call out charge?
  • Will spare parts be brought to the home?
  • If the scooter has to be taken away for repairs will a ‘loan scooter’ be offered?
  • Does the manufacturer offer insurance schemes?

Short-term loan/Hire of equipment

Quite a variety of equipment, including wheelchairs, hospital beds, hoists and a variety of walking aids, can be hired for daily, weekly or monthly periods. The contact details of some of these companies can be found on our Equipment Hire document. Your local public health nurse or community occupational therapist may also be able to assist. They can be contacted through your Local Health Office.

Before you choose to hire, consider the following:

  • Does the company provide a delivery and collection service. Is there extra cost involved for this?
  • Does the company ask for a deposit and is it refundable?
  • If hiring long-term, does the company provide a regular service agreement?
  • If hiring for holiday use, are you permitted to take the equipment overseas?
  • Are you obliged to take out insurance? Is this included in the price and what does the insurance cover?
  • Will you be fully instructed in the use of this equipment?
  • What is the expected delivery time?
  • In the event of the equipment breaking down, will the equipment be repaired? Will a replacement be provided while repairs are taking place? How soon will the replacement be provided?

Important: Equipment should not be hired without consulting a relevant professional regarding the suitability of the equipment to your particular condition or needs.


A Shopmobility scheme operates in Liffey Valley Shopping Centre in Clondalkin, Blanchardstown Shopping Centre in Dublin 15, Mahon Point Shopping Centre in Cork, Dundrum Town Centre in Dublin and Whitewater Shopping Centre in Newbridge, Co Kildare. This scheme enables anyone to get the loan of a manual wheelchair, a powered wheelchair or a powered scooter while shopping. This is a free service and helpful for anyone who finds shopping a tiring experience. To avail of this service, you must have two pieces of identification with you including photo ID. It is advisable to ring beforehand, particularly coming up to a holiday period or a bank holiday weekend (see Useful Addresses).

Some other shopping centres also have manual wheelchairs that they loan out to customers. Contact Customer Services of the shopping centre to check on the availability of this service.

Considerations when choosing a scooter

Scooters come with a number of options in terms of size, power, speed, weight, seat support and so on. It is important to recognise what your needs are, in order to get the right scooter to help you in your circumstances.

There are a number of factors about yourself to consider:

  • Your mobility – this is your ability to move around. It includes walking, sitting down and standing up (called transferring), and adjusting or moving your body within the scooter.
  • Your tolerance – this is the length of time you can tolerate doing something, for example standing, walking or sitting.
  • Your balance – this is your ability to remain steady when standing and when seated.
  • Your posture – this is the position in which you hold your body.
  • Your body weight – if you are a large person you will need to look for a scooter that is appropriate and safe for you. Measure and record your weight accurately and check the manufacturer’s details.
  • Your sight, perception, memory and cognitive ability – if you are losing your visual, perceptual, memory or cognitive abilities, it is unlikely that a scooter will be appropriate for you.

Consider how all these factors will be affected by, and will affect, your use of the scooter. There is currently no minimum ‘fitness to drive’ standard for mobility scooter users. If you have a condition which is deteriorating, you may wish to take account of your possible future needs at this earlier stage. A scooter is a significant investment. You will want to be able to use it safely and for long enough to make it worthwhile.

You also need to take into account the needs of any person who will be helping you to carry out basic maintenance tasks, for example charging the batteries. Their level of ability and safety need to be considered.

Dementia and mobility scooters

Dementia can affect a person in many ways, including memory, concentration, judgement, vision, planning or problem-solving. It is a progressive disorder and those affected may not have insight into their illness. They may not be able to make a realistic judgement about their ability to use a scooter safely.

Many people in the early stages of dementia can still travel independently on mobility scooters if they are already familiar with using one. They should use familiar routes and carry relevant identity documents with them when alone, should they get lost. A GPS tracking system can be considered (see Choosing Equipment to Help with Memory and Safety for more information). Introducing a scooter as a new item to someone who already has dementia should not be considered.

If already using a scooter, it can be difficult to decide when an individual should stop. Some indicators might be:

  • becoming less confident or repeatedly confused about the scooter controls;
  • repeatedly getting lost;
  • forgetting the purpose of the trip;
  • becoming less aware of safety precautions.

The guidance on when to give up driving a car can be useful and applied to the use of a scooter. If a person has early dementia, when sufficient skills are retained and progression is slow, driving may still be allowed, but subject to review. When a person displays poor short term memory, disorientation, lack of insight and judgement, they are likely to be considered unfit to drive (Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency, 2016).

Your eyesight

Although there are no legal eyesight requirements, it is important that you can see well enough to be able to judge distances, recognise obstacles and hazards, and be able to see pedestrians and other road users. Vision can change with age and it is recommended that you have regular sight tests.

If you are eligible to be registered as severely sight impaired (blind), you should not drive a mobility vehicle as this would put yourself and others at risk. If you are eligible to be registered as sight impaired (partially sighted), you should speak to your optometrist or doctor.

Your mobility and tolerance

In order to use a mobility scooter, you will need to be able to walk to where the scooter is stored and transfer into it, then transfer out of it and possibly walk a short distance at your destination, for example the corner shop or local library. You may need to check your destination in advance to see whether they allow scooter access or have suitable and secure storage for it.

Some scooters have a swivel seat which can make transfers much easier. Others have fold-up armrests which can be raised to provide easier access. On some, the tiller (or steering column) can tilt forward to provide more space into/from which you can transfer. You need to ensure that you can use these features, then re-position them and yourself ready to drive, once seated in the scooter.

Your balance and posture

When using a scooter, you need to be able to maintain a comfortable, stable, safe and supported seated position. The seat and backrest should be padded and contoured to provide comfort and help you to maintain your position. Some models offer a variable height seat and an adjustable backrest. The seat/backrest width should give you enough room for winter-weight clothing, but not be so big that it causes you to lean sideways to find support. This is particularly important if you have poor upper body strength and control.

Your mobility requirements

Consider where you want your mobility scooter to take you:

  • Do you want to use the scooter indoors, outdoors or both?
  • How far might you want to travel?
  • What is your local area like? Are there wide pavements? Will you have to go up and down kerbs?
  • Might you need to travel on the road?

The answers to these questions will guide you in choosing what type of scooter is best for you. Your personal health requirements will guide you in the features you need to look for.

Insurance for your mobility scooter

You do not have to have insurance for your mobility scooter, but it is highly recommended that you do. Third party insurance will cover you for other people making a claim against you if you are involved in an accident or cause some damage. Other policies will also insure against injuries to yourself and loss or damage of your scooter.

Features to consider when choosing a mobility scooter

Base plate

The base unit is the body of the scooter and consists of a steel, aluminium, or composite frame and floor to support the feet and batteries. The base unit, according to the size of its wheelbase, ground clearance, turning circle and overall dimensions, determines whether the scooter is designed for indoor or outdoor use and its manoeuvrability.

The base unit also determines the comfort and safety of the user. It is important to ensure that the user sits comfortably, and that he/she can reach and use the controls. Some models have a longer length/extendable base that can accommodate longer legs. The length may need to be fixed by the supplier at the time of purchase. An increased base length will increase the turning circle of the vehicle. Try the scooter before purchase to evaluate its overall stability. A scooter should not tip easily during sharp turns or on inclines.

On some scooters, the base unit may be consist of modular units or may otherwise be disassembled for transport and storage. These same features may also allow the scooter to be converted from a three- to four-wheeled model and/or from indoor to outdoor use.


The size of the wheels on a scooter determines the ability of the scooter to surmount obstacles and affects its stability. Scooters usually have six-, eight-, or ten-inch wheels. And these are usually of equal diameter front and back. Smaller wheels are generally found on front-wheel drive scooters intended for indoor use. The larger the wheels, the more stable the unit, and the larger and wider the tyres, the greater the ability of the scooter to manage kerb climbing and to be driven on rough terrain will be.

The number of wheels affects the scooter’s performance.

Four-wheeled scooters tend to be more stable than those with three wheels especially for kerb climbing and turning sharp corners.

Three-wheeled scooters tend to be more manoeuvrable ie have a smaller turning circle.

The drive wheels are those to which the motor directs its power.

Rear wheel drive provides better grip and power when driving over uneven or slippery ground, especially as the user’s weight is directly over these wheels.

Free-wheel facility enables the wheels to be disengaged from the motor so that the scooter can be pushed manually in an emergency situation. Beware; it is heavy and difficult to push.

There are different types of tyres including:

  • pneumatic tyres, which need to be inflated regularly to maintain air pressure, and also need to be checked as they can puncture. They give a more smooth and comfortable ride and better traction on kerbs, slopes and rough ground than solid rubber tyres. Punctures can be repaired in a similar way to bicycle tyre punctures. If this task is too difficult to manage at home, a local cycle shop or mobility vehicle suppliers should be able to carry out the repair.
  • solid tyres do not puncture or need inflating and may make it easier to manoeuvre on some surfaces.
  • puncture-proof tyres are a compromise between solid and pneumatic tyres. They are made of an open cell rubber compound to help with shock absorption.
  • deep tread tyres are available with different levels of tread. The deeper the tread, the greater the ability of the scooter to provide increased grip and stability on kerbs, slopes, muddy grass and rough or uneven ground.


Most seats consist of a moulded plastic or contoured padded seat with lift-up armrests. Seats usually come in one size and do not provide postural support.

Some scooters have a height adjustable seat, which allows the user to find the most suitable sitting position. Some have powered, elevating seats, for use when the vehicle is stationary which enables the user to reach higher work surfaces and storage areas. In the elevated position, the feet of the user will not be supported on the base platform and therefore stability will be compromised. Since, it will also increase pressure on the thighs, this facility is designed for short period use within the daily schedule.

Most scooter seats swivel through 90°, 180° or 360° by releasing a lever to make transferring on and off the seat easier. Check that the user can reach and manipulate the lever, and swivel the seat round while sitting on it.

Forward and/or backwards adjusting seats ensure that the user can reach the tiller comfortably and therefore has full control of the scooter/buggy. Also, moving the seat forwards/backwards can accommodate different leg lengths.

The whole seat unit on some scooters can be removed for storing and transporting.


Some scooters have a moulded backrest and seat to which no individual adjustment can be made.

Some scooter backrests fold forwards or backwards for easier storage and transporting; this is especially useful when driving the unoccupied scooter up ramps into the back of an estate car.


Fold-up/fold-down/swing-away armrests make transferring on and off the seat easier. On a swivelling seat, they provide a hand hold to push up from or to control descent onto the seat.


All scooters have automatic brakes which come on immediately when the user releases the accelerator control.

Some models have the option of a handbrake, which acts directly onto the tyre when stationary. Therefore, the tyre pressures must be kept firm. Although not essential, this provides extra security.


The tiller is the control and steering mechanism for the scooter, and has the controls to drive the scooter forward or in reverse, as well as steering the front wheel or wheels. Most scooters offer one style of standard tiller. Some may also include height/angle adjustment to ensure that the user can comfortably reach the tiller and therefore has maximum control over the vehicle. A console, centrally mounted on the tiller, has the ancilliary controls for lights, indicator, horn and the on/off switch/key.


Acceleration on a scooter is controlled by a single proportionally controlled lever (ie the greater the pressure applied to the lever, the faster the vehicle moves). This may be situated on the right or left hand side, or both sides of the tiller. This lever is often controlled by thumb movement or by squeezing (rather like the action required to apply a bicycle cable brake). This may be difficult for people who have poor movement or little strength in their hands.

Reversing mechanism

The reversing mechanism on a scooter is operated by a lever, which may be on the opposite side to the accelerator or may be on the same lever as the accelerator but working in the opposite direction. Alternatively, there may be only one acceleration lever with forwards and reverse selected by a switch on the control panel.

Speed control

Some scooters have a speed limiter which determines the maximum speed to which the scooter can accelerate. The speed dial allows more varied and accurate control of maximum speed.

Key/Jack plug ignition

If the key/jack plug ignition is removed, the scooter or buggy is immobilised, thus allowing the user to leave the vehicle unattended, for example, outside a shop.

Kerb climbing

Scooters and buggies do not have specific kerb climbing devices. Smaller wheeled vehicles are not designed to mount or descend kerbs. Vehicles with larger wheels may be able to negotiate kerbs of up to 13cm in height. Check with suppliers the recommended maximum height for each model and the technique you should use to climb kerbs safely. Four-wheeled scooters and buggies are more stable going up kerbs than the three-wheeled versions.

Some three-wheeled scooters have stabilising wheels on the chassis on either side of the front wheel. These help to stabilise the vehicle when travelling over rough ground and lessen the risk of tipping during kerb climbing.


The addition of standard bicycle lights may be adequate. Lights and indicators are available as accessories on some models and are wired to the vehicle battery but some vehicles come fitted with lights and indicators as standard.


Some scooters are supplied with hoods that enclose the user in the vehicle for weather protection.


This is the manufacturer’s prediction as to the scooter or buggy’s range under optimum conditions with new batteries on a full charge. Range can be affected by:

  • condition of batteries – older, well used batteries will not store as much power;
  • weight of user – the heavier the person the more power will be used;
  • terrain – climbing hills and kerbs uses up more power;
  • accessories – lights and indicators are powered by the wheelchair batteries;
  • weather – batteries do not perform as well in cold weather.


This is the manufacturer’s prediction as to the maximum gradient under the best conditions, taking into account the user’s weight, temperature, surface etc.

Overall size

Check the overall size of the vehicle, especially of buggies, as they tend to need quite a large space for storage and charging. Also, remember that the larger vehicles have a bigger turning circle and are therefore less manoeuvrable.

Heaviest component

Scooters can be dismantled for transporting and storage. However, the components still tend to be very heavy.

Check the weight of the heaviest component and compare it to the weight of a bag of sugar, which weighs only 1kg. Buggies cannot be dismantled and therefore will need to be transported whole.


It is essential to find out the capacity of the vehicle as exceeding it will increase the wear and tear on the motors and batteries, and also increase running costs. It may also invalidate the guarantee of the manufacturer. Most standard scooters will carry a person up to 89-102kg but larger capacity vehicles are available.

Types of scooters

Some scooters are more suited to indoor use as they are smaller and more compact. There also “micro” scooters available now which are designed to be light and easily dismantled for transport. This can be at the expense of the ability to travel long distances and they may also be less stable and robust.

Mobility scooters come in two categories, Class 2 and Class 3. The differences in weight and power (and thereby speed) of the two enable them to be used in different environments.

Class 2:

  • are generally smaller, lighter and less powerful;
  • can be designed for indoor and/or outdoor use. If for indoor use, they will have limited outdoor use and less distance range;
  • some can be dismantled or folded for transporting;
  • cannot be used on the road (except where there is no pavement or to cross the road);
  • outdoor models have the ability to climb kerbs;
  • have a top speed of 4miles/hour (6.44km/hour);

Class 3:

  • are generally bigger, heavier and more powerful;
  • are not for indoor use;
  • can be used on the road;
  • have a longer distance range;
  • cannot be dismantled;
  • have a number of additional safety requirements to allow road use;
  • have a top speed of 4 miles/hour (6.44 km/hour) off the road and 8 miles/hour (12.9 km/hour) on the road;

Mobility scooter batteries

All mobility scooter batteries will need to be charged, using an ordinary electric socket. They will need replacing after 12 to 18 months depending on their type and use. Always ensure that new batteries are suitable for your mobility scooter in terms of type, size and weight. Your supplier or your local council will be able to advise you how to dispose of old batteries.

There are three main types of battery: lead acid, gel cell and AGM. Check with your supplier which type of battery your scooter has and how best to charge and maintain it. Ensure you are provided with the manufacturer’s instructions, especially if you are purchasing a second hand mobility scooter.

If you can store your scooter close to a power socket it will make charging easier, although most scooters will allow you to remove the batteries and charge them elsewhere. Batteries can be heavy and may be the heaviest part of the scooter or buggy. You may need to think about this if you dismantle the scooter for transport or storage.

Establish a regular charging routine. How often you need to charge the batteries will depend on how frequently you use the scooter, and how far you travel in it when you do use it. It will also depend upon the terrain you drive over, the weight your scooter is carrying, the age of the batteries and so on. If you use it daily, then overnight charging will be required. If you use the scooter less often, weekly charging may be sufficient. Charge the battery regularly, even if you do not use the scooter for an extended period of time. Avoid letting the batteries run completely flat and always fully charge them. Always use the proper charging cable.

Servicing and maintaining your mobility scooter

There are a number of things that you can do to maintain your scooter:

  • Keep it dry. If you store it outside, get a waterproof storage cover for it.
  • Keep it clean. Wash or wipe off any significant amounts of mud or dirt. Try to avoid driving over really wet, dirty or gritty areas. It is possible to damage the scooter’s motor if dirt or wet gets into the motor’s moving parts.
  • Check the tyres. If your mobility scooter has pneumatic tyres, ensure these are kept at optimal pressure (check manufacturer’s advice). Check the tyres for wear and tear. At some point they may need replacing.
  • Check the lights. If you have a scooter that can be used on the road, your lights must be in working order.
  • Check the brakes. If at any time you feel that the strength or speed of the brakes is diminishing, arrange for it to be inspected.

A regular service will ensure that your mobility scooter is safe, both for you and for those around you, especially if you use your scooter on the road. It will also keep it in good working order for longer.

It is advised that you get your mobility scooter serviced every 12 months as a minimum. Check the manufacturer’s instructions. Your supplier will also be able to advise you on this.


In addition to the standard features, manufacturers offer a range of optional accessories, including crutch and cane holders, oxygen carriers, front and rear baskets, trailers, headlights, rear lights, horns and canopies.

Useful addresses

  • Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI)
    Office 1 & 2
    1st Floor
    Haymarket House
    Dublin 7
    Tel: 01-874 8136
  • Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists (ISCP)
    Royal College of Surgeons
    St Stephen’s Green
    Dublin 2
    Tel: 01-402 2148
  • VAT (Unregistered) Repayments Section
    Revenue Commissioners
    Central Repayments Office
    M: TEK II Building
    Armagh Road
    Tel: 047 621 000
    LoCall: 1890 60 60 61
  • Shopmobility (a free service offering manual wheelchairs, powered wheelchairs and scooters to members of the public with limited mobility for periods of up to a day)
    Liffey Valley Shopping Centre
    Dublin 22
    Tel: 01-620 8731
  • Shopmobility (a free service offering manual wheelchairs, powered wheelchairs and scooters to members of the public with limited mobility for periods of up to a day)
    Mahon Point Shopping Centre
    Tel: 021-431 3033
  • Shopmobility (a free service offering manual wheelchairs, powered wheelchairs and scooters to members of the public with limited mobility for periods of up to a day)
    Car Park Level 2M (Red Car Park)
    Dundrum Town Centre
    Dublin 14
    Tel: 01-298 7982
  • Shopmobility (a free service offering manual wheelchairs, powered wheelchairs and scooters to members of the public with limited mobility for periods of up to a day)
    Blanchardstown Shopping Centre
    Red Car Park – Marks and Spencers Entrance
    Dublin 15
    Tel: 01-821 1911
  • Shopmobility (a free service offering manual wheelchairs, powered wheelchairs and scooters to members of the public with limited mobility for periods of up to a day)
    Green Car Park
    Whitewater Shopping Centre
    Cutlery Road
    Co Kildare
    Tel: 045-450736
  • Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA)
    Áras Chúchulainn
    Blackheath Drive
    Dublin 3
    Tel: 01-818 6400
  • Disabled Living Foundation (DLF)(UK charity providing advice and information and a comprehensive up-to-date database of disability equipment available in the UK)
    Tel: 0044 207 289 6111
  • Research Institute for Disabled Consumers (RIDC) (independent research body in UK which produces guides for older and disabled consumers based on professional research – formerly known as RICA)
    Tel: 0044 207 427 2460

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