National Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities

The National Advocacy Service (NAS) is an organisation which helps adults with disabilities. If you have a disability, like a physical or intellectual disability, one of our staff could help you with an issue you are having.

NAS provides a free and confidential advocacy service to adults with a disability, aged 18 years and over.

NAS has a particular remit to work with people with disabilities who are in vulnerable situations, such as people who are isolated from their community of choice or mainstream society, may communicate differently and who have limited formal or natural supports.         


Our staff are called advocates, and they can assist you with problems like deciding where you want to live, healthcare decisions, your personal finances and family or relationships issues.

NAS advocates work with you to help you decide what you want to do in relation to the problem you are having.

NAS advocates can help you express your opinion to the people around you, and make sure your voice is heard when decisions that affect you are being made.

NAS can help you with writing letters to organisations, making phone calls and attending meetings.

NAS provides this service to you for free.

The service is confidential, and we are independent from the services you might use.

We are also independent from all other people in your life.

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