Dublin 15 Disability Peer Support Group invites you along to the forum, every month, for tea, chat and networking, not just for friendship and fun but also to address accessibility and other issues for people with disabilities. Sometimes, however, maybe you can’t get to the venue (Blanchardstown Library) at the set time and we really don’t want you to miss out.  So we came up with #AbleHour – the Dublin 15 Disability Peer Support Group weekly chat on twitter.

..because it’s about time we took this conversation online!

#AbleHour - Dublin 15 Leaders Forum online chat every Thursday at 8pm
#AbleHour – Dublin 15 Disability Peer Support Group twitter chat every Thursday at 8pm, Networking, Disability, Access

How everyone can join in #AbleHour

#AbleHour is our twitter hashtag chat which takes place every Thursday evening from 8pm to 9pm.

If you have a twitter account then follow the hashtag #AbleHour.  Open a tab for this hashtag (live) and open your notifications too if you’re chatty so you can see people chatting to you.

Anytime you want to jump into the conversation just include the hashtag #AbleHour in your tweet.

If you’re not on twitter or don’t feel ready to join in the chat then you can just watch the twitter feed (below) and we hope you will enjoy that too.

Live Feed – What’s being said right now:

#ablehour Tweets

Twitter Tips: How to join the hashtag chat

1:     Always use #AbleHour in all of your tweets for inclusion in the hashtag chat

» If you forget the hashtag, your tweet will just go to your regular followers, who may not be participating in the chat.

2:     Be kind, follow back

» Apart from the banter and learning opportunity – hashtag chats have the additional benefit of great networking. So it is good etiquette (twitterquette) to return a follow from fellow chat participants.

3:     Keep two tabs open: #AbleHour and Notifications

» You may find that people respond directly to your tweets and you don’t want to miss them particularly if the hashtag chat starts moving quickly – so keep your Notifications tab open.

» You may also like to see who is following you to follow back – and this will also appear in Notifications.

How to access Twitter Chats from your phone!

Easy to follow advice from the Tweeting Goddess, Samantha Kelly. This video will show you how easy it is to get twitter chatting.  You can follow Sam too on @TweetingGoddess

So come join us for our hashtag chat – this Thursday and every Thursday on twitter.  Chat then 

Don’t forget to follow us too!

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