sean For accessibility seating, please check the venue information page for details of facilities. Information on attendant’s tickets may also be found on the relevant promoter page. Should you require further information, or wish to purchase tickets, please call the designated Accessible phone number below. Telephone Number(s):0818903001 (Republic of Ireland)

Financial Wellbeing Special Needs Workshops A Special Needs Trust Planning Workshop will give you information on; How a Special Needs Trust will protect your child’s futureWhy a Special needs bank account is necessaryHow to write a  Letter of wishesExplain the importance of a Hospital passportHow to choose the right Guardians and TrusteesHow to build financial security for

Disability & Inclusion Golf

Disability & Inclusion: Disability and Inclusion Golf With 13% of the Irish population (595,335) having a disability (central statistics office 2011) we believe it is imperative to grow the opportunities available to those with disabilities in golf.  The R&A from a practical point of view have subdivided disabled golfers into