
Remember Us: Social Group for People with Special Needs: Remember Us was set up by Nora Roban in 1998. When asked why, Nora replied: “The answer is simple. My son Paul has special needs. It is absolutely vital for people with special needs to develop their social skills and self-esteem early in life, to help integrate into

Talking About – Secondary School – App for iPad: The move from Junior to Secondary School can bring with it extra social demands and more complicated routines. These can affect a child’s feelings, emotions, and behaviour. The App provides the opportunity to discuss these situations. For more information see below: If you are wanting to download this iPad

Transition – Primary to Post-Primary: The transition from primary to post-primary can be a stressful event for all students and their parents, and this can be compounded when the child has special educational needs. The need for flexibility in accommodating this transition, especially when the student has a special need, is noted in the Introduction

Download Today: AsIAm “Back to School” Handbooks Education can throw up many challenges for students with Autism such as the environment, structure, social aspect, curriculum and communication, to name just a few. However education is also an opportunity for people with Autism, of all abilities, to pursue their strengths, gain understanding in the local community and

Laura Crean: Just what is a ‘Successful’ Transition? Laura Crean is a member of AsIAm’s Youth Leadership Team and currently in her first year of studying science at Trinity College Dublin. In this blog, Laura shares her experiences of transitioning to college life, and about how expectations of what counts as a ‘successful transition’ are ultimately what

I’m Dyslexic. Will I be Able to Cope in College? I’m dyslexic and struggled a bit in school but managed to secure an offer of a degree course through the CAO’s second round. I’m keen to accept, but am worried that I’ll be a weak fish in a big pond. Can you offer any advice? It is perfectly natural

My Son is Dyslexic. Does he Qualify for Reduced CAO Points? My son is sitting the Leaving Cert next year and has a diagnosis of dyslexia which he received 10 years ago. The special needs teacher in his school recently told him he can get into college on reduced points by making a “Dare” application. Is this right? The Disability Access

IWA Accessible Gym: The IWA gym offers everyone an opportunity to enjoy a fitness workout in a fully accessible and inclusive environment. The Gym has a diverse membership base with membership open to IWA members, the general public, students & older adults (65+). We also accept referrals through the HSE GP Referral programme,

Cara Inclusive Fitness Training: This workshop is designed to increase the confidence and awareness of fitness managers, fitness professionals and all front line staff to work with people with disabilities in the fitness sector. The training will provide access to resources that will increase the knowledge of fitness managers and fitness professionals to

Inclusive Adventure Activities Training: This workshop is designed to inspire participants to help make their adventure activities and outdoor environments more accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities. The training will provide access to resources that will increase the knowledge related to Inclusive Adventure Activities.A pre-requisite prior to the face to face session