Secondary School Education

Special Needs and Tuition Grants

Who we are We are a financial payment section with responsibility for the processing of various grants to all primary schools and to parents with children with special needs. We also issue payments to various organisations, projects, companies and individuals on behalf of other sections within the Department. What we

School and COVID-19:

Schools reopened at the start of the new school year – end of August 2020. Keeping schools and early childhood care and education services open during the COVID-19 public health emergency will be a Government priority in line with public health advice. You can read more about the Government’s plan for living

Starting Post-Primary School

The post-primary or second-level education caters for students aged 12 to 18 years. Attendance at school is compulsory for students aged under 16. Most children start in post-primary school at the age of 12 or 13. They must be at least 12 years of age on 1 January in the

Is Ireland Ready for a ‘Total Inclusion’ Approach for Special Education? Last month the National Council for Special Education floated a bold idea: we should consider abolishing special schools and special classes and place all children in mainstream schools. regardless of their level of disability. The council says Ireland may be in breach of a UN convention by “segregating” up to 16,000 special pupils

Diagnosis Not Needed To Secure SNA Support For Children: Thousands of parents will no longer need to pay for a diagnosis of a disability in order to access special needs assistants (SNA) for their children under major changes to the €500 million scheme. The Department of Education is instead planning to automatically front-load 17,000 SNAs to schools in

Talking About – Secondary School – App for iPad: The move from Junior to Secondary School can bring with it extra social demands and more complicated routines. These can affect a child’s feelings, emotions, and behaviour. The App provides the opportunity to discuss these situations. For more information see below: If you are wanting to download this iPad

Transition – Primary to Post-Primary: The transition from primary to post-primary can be a stressful event for all students and their parents, and this can be compounded when the child has special educational needs. The need for flexibility in accommodating this transition, especially when the student has a special need, is noted in the Introduction

Download Today: AsIAm “Back to School” Handbooks Education can throw up many challenges for students with Autism such as the environment, structure, social aspect, curriculum and communication, to name just a few. However education is also an opportunity for people with Autism, of all abilities, to pursue their strengths, gain understanding in the local community and

Typing Tuition for the Visually Impaired: Typing Tuition Scheme Typing Tuition is available to visually impaired pupils on the recommendation of the Visiting Teacher for the Visually Impaired. The Department can sanction a maximum of 20 hours’ typing tuition to a school to help improve the typing skills of the pupil in question. The scheme

Complaints, Bullying, Child Protection, Discrimination: It is natural that a parent or guardian may from time to time have questions and concerns about their child’s experience in their school. This information aims to answer the questions commonly asked by parents. This information may also include students over 18 years of age. This information is