Thinking Education

Is Ireland Ready for a ‘Total Inclusion’ Approach for Special Education? Last month the National Council for Special Education floated a bold idea: we should consider abolishing special schools and special classes and place all children in mainstream schools. regardless of their level of disability. The council says Ireland may be in breach of a UN convention by “segregating” up to 16,000 special pupils

Diagnosis Not Needed To Secure SNA Support For Children: Thousands of parents will no longer need to pay for a diagnosis of a disability in order to access special needs assistants (SNA) for their children under major changes to the €500 million scheme. The Department of Education is instead planning to automatically front-load 17,000 SNAs to schools in

Extra Time Could Make Huge Difference For Students With Disabilities: Third-level students with certain disabilities say they should not have to suffer financial penalties if they need extra time to complete a college course, and have called on the Government to facilitate them. Currently students who do not complete 60 credits each year are deemed part-time and lose the SUSI

What Supports Might Help You To Get Into College? Supports Available For Disadvantaged Students: Access Programmes are used to assist school-leavers who have experienced disadvantages throughout their post-primary education. These programmes can support eligible applicants to gain access to courses in Higher Education on a reduced points entry basis. There are two main Access Programmes that run in

National Learning Network: National Learning Network (NLN) provides a range of flexible training courses for people who have experienced a setback, have had an accident, a mental health issue, an illness, injury or have a disability and extra support needs. We are the largest private provider of personalised education, training and employment services in Ireland. Our

Higher Education Opportunities for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Ireland: A National Response Given the context that people with intellectual disabilities face significant barriers and limited postsecondary opportunities, a number of initiatives in Ireland and internationally have been established with the aim of addressing issues explicitly affecting this specific cohort of students. We begin by explaining the rationale for developing specific educational/employment

My Little Story: A Journey of Sight Loss and Education My name is Claire shorten, I am 28 and I live in South Dublin. When I was 20 years old I was attending Maynooth University in September 2010, studying a BA degree in Geography and Economics, hoping to eventually become a teacher. Unfortunately, my attendance at Maynooth University was

What can the Disability Office do for me ? Accessing Disability Support Services at Third level: Going to college can be a time of great opportunity and growth. It can be exciting, fun and life-changing. While it is an exciting time often students can find transition to third level difficult, stressful and students can worry about how to

For Disabled Students, Accommodations Aren’t an Advantage — They’re Vital: For good measure, I turned in my senior thesis two days early. No one would be able to say that my wheelchair gave me an ‘unfair advantage. One question to go. I took this final exam 7 years ago, so I couldn’t tell you what the question was. But

Talking About – Secondary School – App for iPad: The move from Junior to Secondary School can bring with it extra social demands and more complicated routines. These can affect a child’s feelings, emotions, and behaviour. The App provides the opportunity to discuss these situations. For more information see below: If you are wanting to download this iPad