Thinking Education

Transition – Primary to Post-Primary: The transition from primary to post-primary can be a stressful event for all students and their parents, and this can be compounded when the child has special educational needs. The need for flexibility in accommodating this transition, especially when the student has a special need, is noted in the Introduction

Download Today: AsIAm “Back to School” Handbooks Education can throw up many challenges for students with Autism such as the environment, structure, social aspect, curriculum and communication, to name just a few. However education is also an opportunity for people with Autism, of all abilities, to pursue their strengths, gain understanding in the local community and

Typing Tuition for the Visually Impaired: Typing Tuition Scheme Typing Tuition is available to visually impaired pupils on the recommendation of the Visiting Teacher for the Visually Impaired. The Department can sanction a maximum of 20 hours’ typing tuition to a school to help improve the typing skills of the pupil in question. The scheme

Complaints, Bullying, Child Protection, Discrimination: It is natural that a parent or guardian may from time to time have questions and concerns about their child’s experience in their school. This information aims to answer the questions commonly asked by parents. This information may also include students over 18 years of age. This information is

Appeal against Permanent Exclusion, Suspension or Refusal to Enrol: Information for parents on section 29 appeals: An appeal may be made to the Secretary General of the Department of Education & Skills in respect of a decision by a board of management or a person acting on behalf of a board of management to:   permanently exclude a

Irish Sign Language (ISL) Tuition Scheme: The Irish Sign Language (ISL) scheme is made available to provide funding for a weekly tuition service whereby a tutor visits the home of a deaf/hard of hearing pre-school child or school-going pupil to provide training in ISL for the child, their sibling(s) and parent(s)/guardian(s). How to Apply The

25% of Children with Disability ‘Denied Full School Day’ – Report The report found that thousands of children around the country are being affected By Emma O Kelly One in four children with a disability are being denied the opportunity to attend school for the full school day, with children with autism most at risk from the practice, according to a

Joinx Pre School: Jonix Educational Services has been working with young children diagnosed with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) since 2002. We currently have 9 centres located throughout Dublin. Jonix operate specialised pre-school classes that offer a unique and individualised learning experience for each child.Our classes are small, highly structured and provide

Trinity College Dublin Installs First Disabled Bicycle Parking Facilities: Trinity College Dublin has installed disabled bicycle parking facilities, the first college in Ireland to do so. The spaces, which allow for wider, hand-operated tricycles, as well as regular bikes, are clearly signposted, step-free and located next to a ramp. Trinity College’s director of disability services, Declan Treanor, welcomed anyone with a disability