Thinking Home & Caring

Elemy – ABA Therapy:

For children on the autism spectrum, pets can be immensely helpful. To help families nevigate this, we recently published a free guide on the ins and outs of pets and animal therapy for ASD families. Please take a look:  A Guide to Pets & Animal Therapy for ASD Families At

St. Margaret’s Donnybrook:

St. Margaret’s is a not-for-profit service, supporting people with intellectual disability (to move) (in their journey) from residential services to a life of their choosing in their own home. We ensure that the service moves with the person, providing a continuum of support according to their need, will and preference.

The Cedar Foundation:

Work and Training Many people with disabilities face challenges in accessing and participating in employment and training.  To help tackle these barriers Cedar offers a range of services across Northern Ireland to help individuals gain qualifications and develop the skills required to find/retain a job, transition through education and get

Mental Health – Tips on Being A Good Listener:

Active listening is understanding what someone is saying, without judgement or expectation. In a conversation, it involves: concentrating understanding responding remembering what is being said The following are some helpful “SHUSH” listening tips from Samaritans. 1. Show you care Focus on the other person, make eye contact and put away

Worried About Someone Else’s Mental Health:

A friend or family member might be going through a difficult time. This can be worrying for everyone involved. You mightn’t understand what they are going through. You might also not know how to help. Ask, listen and offer your support The best thing you can do is listen to

Detox from the Digital Monster:

So much of our lives are spent online. This is where we communicate with other people, share information about ourselves, learn more about others, and build connections. More and more of our day-to-day lives and interactions have become dependent on technology, and we have now reached a stage where it’s

Relaxation Tips:

Relaxing gives your mind and body time to recover from the stresses of everyday life. Breathing techniques and remembering to be present can help. Relaxation tips Fit things into your day that help you unwind. It’s different for everyone – for you, it could be: listening to music going for

Get Urgent Help for a Mental Health Issue:

A mental health crisis often means that you no longer feel able to cope or be in control of your situation. In a crisis, it is important that you get help as soon as possible. You may: feel great emotional distress or anxiety feel you can’t cope with day-to-day life


Cyberbullying is a new form of bullying. This form of bullying happens a lot on social media, online forums, text and email. Examples of cyberbullying include: abusive messages or slagging on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram offensive comments on videos or posts spreading rumours online hacking into your online accounts