Thinking Home & Caring

Benefits and Entitlements Relating to Birth and Children

If you are having a baby in Ireland, there is a range of supports for parents and children. This document gives a general overview of these supports. Health and safety If you become pregnant while in employment and you are exposed to certain risks in the workplace, or you are

Travel Plans and Covid 19

The Government advises against all non-essential travel abroad (including to Great Britain but not Northern Ireland), apart from travel to countries on the ‘COVID-19 green list‘ where the advice is to take ‘normal precautions‘. You can travel to green list countries without having to restrict your movement for 14 days

Mortgage Interest Supplement

Mortgage Interest Supplement (MIS) provides short-term support to help you pay your mortgage interest repayments. Since 1 January 2014, the Mortgage Interest Supplement scheme has been closed to new entrants and no new applications have been accepted since this date. This did not affect people who were getting Mortgage Interest Supplement before

HomeCaring Periods Scheme

The HomeCaring Periods Scheme makes it easier for people who take time out of their working life to care for children or adults to qualify for a State Pension (Contributory). Under the Scheme, periods of time when you were caring for someone can be included in your social insurance record. The

Cystic Fibrosis Ireland:

Cystic Fibrosis Ireland: Cystic Fibrosis Ireland Website CF Ireland (CFI) is a voluntary organisation that was set up by parents in 1963 to improve the treatment and facilities for people with Cystic Fibrosis in Ireland. CF Ireland also co-operates with medical professionals to give maximum assistance to both parents and children/adults with Cystic Fibrosis.

Vision Sports Ireland merges with NCBI: 3rd March 2020, NCBI is delighted to announce it has formally merged with Vision Sports Ireland a body dedicated to the promotion of sports and leisure activities for those who are blind or vision impaired. This move ensures greater availability of such activities to all those using NCBI services as well

Ability Programme: Ability is co-financed by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014-2020. The Ability Programme provides funding to local, regional and national projects in the Republic of Ireland that focus on bringing young people with disabilities between

Féach: Parents may never before have met a person who is blind or has a significant sight loss, and never have known of another child like their own. They can be beset by all kinds of worries and questions: How will my child learn? Will she have friends? Will he

Cara Inclusive Fitness Training: This workshop is designed to increase the confidence and awareness of fitness managers, fitness professionals and all front line staff to work with people with disabilities in the fitness sector. The training will provide access to resources that will increase the knowledge of fitness managers and fitness professionals to

Complaints, Bullying, Child Protection, Discrimination: It is natural that a parent or guardian may from time to time have questions and concerns about their child’s experience in their school. This information aims to answer the questions commonly asked by parents. This information may also include students over 18 years of age. This information is