Day: January 8, 2019

Special Needs Education Post Primary School

: Students with special educational needs may be in ordinary classes in mainstream post-primary schools or in special classes in these schools or in special schools. They may get help from special education teachers and care support from special needs assistants (SNAs). Mainstream schools Post-primary students with special educational needs may attend

School Transport for Children with Special Needs

School Transport for Children with Special Needs: The Department of Education and Skills provides school transport services for children with special educational needs. Bus Éireann operates the school transport service on behalf of the Department. The school transport service may not be available in all areas. Where the transport cannot be provided, you may

Post Primary Education

Post Primary Education: The post-primary education sector comprises secondary, vocational, community and comprehensive schools. Secondary schools are privately owned and managed. Vocational schools are state-established and administered by Education and Training Boards (ETBs), while community and comprehensive schools are managed by Boards of Management of differing compositions. Post-primary education consists

Organisations and Statutory Bodies with a Role in Special Needs Education

The National Council for Special Education: The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) is a statutory body with particular functions in relation to special needs education. Its main functions are: Planning and co-ordinating the provision of education and support services to children with special educational needs (in conjunction with schools and the

Leaving Certificate Applied

The Leaving Certificate Applied: The Leaving Certificate Applied is a distinct, self-contained two-year Leaving Certificate programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life. The programme sets out to recognise the talents of all students and to provide opportunities for developing personal responsibility, self-esteem and self-knowledge. The programme focuses