Carer Entitlements

Appointment of Temporary Agent Form – An Post

TO BE USED WHEN THE DEASP CLAIMANT IS PAID BY SOCIAL SERVICES SWIPE CARD AND IS UNABLE TO ATTEND AT THE POST OFFICE. Important – A temporary agent should only be appointed to collect fifteen payments during the COVID-19 emergency. Where fifteen payments have been collected by a temporary agent

Appoint Someone to Act on your Behalf

If you are unable to collect a payment or manage your financial affairs you can ask that another person (known as an agent) acts on your behalf. They can collect payments on a temporary or long-term basis. You can see who can act as an agent and what their responsibilities

Additional Expenses for a Kidney Patient

Kidney patients can claim relief, in addition to normal health expenses. Hospital dialysis patients If you regularly travel for dialysis treatment, you can claim relief on the cost of travelling to and from the hospital. There is no limit on the number of journeys you can claim for. Travel by

Additional Diet Expenses for Coeliacs and Diabetics

You can claim relief for certain food products if you have specific dietary requirements due to a medical condition. This applies to you if you are: a coeliac and you must purchase gluten free foods specifically manufactured to be gluten free diabetic and you must purchase diabetic products if your

Nursing Home and Additional Nursing Care Expenses

Nursing home expenses You may claim income tax relief on nursing home expenses paid by you. You can claim this relief at your highest rate of tax if the nursing home provides 24-hour on-site nursing care. Nursing Homes Support (Fair Deal) Scheme The Health Service Executive (HSE) can provide you with assistance

Claiming Home Carer Tax Credit

Use myAccount to claim the Home Carer Tax Credit for the current year. Alternatively, you can complete the Home Carer Tax Credit claim form. You can then post this form to your Revenue office. If you pay tax under the self-assessed system, the tax credit is claimed by completing the Home Carer section on your annual

How to Reclaim VAT on Radios for the Blind

An institution or society with its primary object being the enrichment of blind persons, may reclaim Value-Added Tax (VAT) on the purchase or importation of radio sets which are intended for the use of blind persons. Applications for repayment must be submitted within four years from the end of the

Tax Reliefs for People with a Visual Impairment

If you have certain visual impairments you may claim a reduction in the amount of tax that you pay. Under the tax system, the amount of tax that you pay to Revenue may be reduced by a system of tax credits and reliefs. You can read about how your tax is calculated for an

Checklist when Appealing a Social Welfare Decision

If you are unhappy with a decision of the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP) you can make an appeal. Depending on the type of payment, you appeal either to the Social Welfare Appeals Office or the DEASP. There are a number of stages involved in the appeal

One-Parent Family Payment

One-Parent Family Payment (OFP) is a payment for men and women under 66 who are bringing children up without the support of a partner. To get this payment you must meet certain conditions and you must satisfy a means test. One-Parent Family Payment is a taxable source of income. A Back to