Carer Entitlements

Worksheet: How to calculate your Working Family Payment: This worksheet will help you to work out the amount of Working Family Payment you may get (2020). Worksheet Working Family Payment (WFP) (formerly known as Family Income Supplement (FIS)) is a weekly tax-free payment available to married or unmarried employees with children. To qualify for WFP, your average total

Irish Sign Language (ISL) Tuition Scheme: The Irish Sign Language (ISL) scheme is made available to provide funding for a weekly tuition service whereby a tutor visits the home of a deaf/hard of hearing pre-school child or school-going pupil to provide training in ISL for the child, their sibling(s) and parent(s)/guardian(s). How to Apply The

Changes that can Affect your Social Welfare Payment: If you are getting a social welfare payment and your personal circumstances change you must contact the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. A change in your circumstances can mean you get an increase or a decrease in your social welfare payment. You could even be entitled to an extra

Caring for a Child with a Disability: If you have a child with a disability, you need to know about the various services in place to support you. If you have recently learned that your child has a disability, the website provides initial information to answer some of the questions you may have. Children with disabilities are entitled

Medical Card Means Test: Aged Under 70: To qualify for a medical card your weekly income must be below a certain figure for your family size. Here we explain the means test for those who are aged under 70. See also other information about the medical card and how to apply. There are different means test rules for

Working Family Payment: Working Family Payment (WFP) (formerly known as Family Income Supplement (FIS)) is a weekly tax-free payment available to employees with children. It gives extra financial support to people on low pay. You must be an employee to qualify for WFP and you cannot qualify if you are only self-employed.

Help with Low Pay:

There are some tax and social welfare measures which help employees on low pay. Rules Working Family Payment Working Family Payment (formerly known as Family Income Supplement (FIS)) is a weekly tax-free payment that gives help to those on low pay. It is available to employees with children. Getting social welfare

Disability Payments and Work: If you are getting certain disability payments you may be allowed to work or atend training. People getting Illness Benefit and Invalidity Pension cannot work (except for unpaid voluntary work). They must transfer to the Partial Capacity Benefit scheme if they wish to work. If you are getting a means-tested payment,

Means test: (Social Welfare Payments) To qualify for a social assistance payment you must satisfy a means test and a habitual residence test. A means test is a way of checking if you have enough financial resources to support yourself and what amount of social assistance payment, if any, you may qualify for. In a

Obtaining Aids and Appliances: Medical and surgical aids can be extremely expensive. This is usually due to a combination of the intricacy of their manufacture and design and ‘medical inflation’, which increases the price for medical products at a greater rate than the economy grows. For many people, vital items that they need