Caring Sundry

NUA Healthcare

Nua Healthcare is one of Ireland’s leading Care Providers. We provide Residential, Supported Living, Day and Community Outreach Services to both Children and Adults with a range of complex support requirements. At Nua Healthcare, we are proud to offer high standards of service and care.  Renowned for offering some of

First 5

First 5 is a whole-of-Government strategy to improve the lives of babies, young children and their families. It is a ten-year plan to help make sure all children have positive early experiences and get a great start in life. First 5

Parents Plus

Parents Plus is an Irish charity that develops evidence-based, practical, parenting and mental health programmes. Our mission is to improve the well-being of children and families by empowering professionals to deliver our evidence-based programmes in their services. We have developed seven flagship programmes, in partnership with parents and children living

Informing Families

Welcome to the Informing Families web site. I really mean “welcome”. We have set up this website to give you information that will help and that is practical, supportive and useful.  Your child may have been diagnosed with a disability or additional needs, you may be waiting for a diagnosis, or you may be worried that your

Parenting 24sevenTusla

Welcome to Parenting24seven – key messages on what works best for children and families at different ages and stages.  Parenting24seven is part of the Supporting Parenting project in Prevention Partnership and Family Support programme within Tusla.  You can choose your child’s age range or look through our different articles. Parent 24seven Tusla

Benefits and Entitlements Relating to Birth and Children

If you are having a baby in Ireland, there is a range of supports for parents and children. This document gives a general overview of these supports. Health and safety If you become pregnant while in employment and you are exposed to certain risks in the workplace, or you are

Travel Plans and Covid 19

The Government advises against all non-essential travel abroad (including to Great Britain but not Northern Ireland), apart from travel to countries on the ‘COVID-19 green list‘ where the advice is to take ‘normal precautions‘. You can travel to green list countries without having to restrict your movement for 14 days

HomeCaring Periods Scheme

The HomeCaring Periods Scheme makes it easier for people who take time out of their working life to care for children or adults to qualify for a State Pension (Contributory). Under the Scheme, periods of time when you were caring for someone can be included in your social insurance record. The

Féach: Parents may never before have met a person who is blind or has a significant sight loss, and never have known of another child like their own. They can be beset by all kinds of worries and questions: How will my child learn? Will she have friends? Will he

Complaints, Bullying, Child Protection, Discrimination: It is natural that a parent or guardian may from time to time have questions and concerns about their child’s experience in their school. This information aims to answer the questions commonly asked by parents. This information may also include students over 18 years of age. This information is