Thinking Training & Employment

Job Interview Interpreter Grant: If you are deaf or hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, you can apply for funding to pay for an interpreter to assist you at a job interview you attend. This is called the Job Interview Interpreter Grant (JIIG). If you start a new job, you can

Grants for Adapting or Equipping the Workplace for Staff with Disabilities: Grant assistance is available for employers, employees and self-employed people who need to adapt the workplace or purchase specialised equipment for staff with disabilities. This grant is called the Workplace Equipment/Adaptation Grant (WEAG) and you can apply for the grant if the person with a disability is already employed or is

Inclusive Workplace: Creating and maintaining an inclusive workplace that promotes and supports diversity is a key element of our I See Beyond campaign. We have listed some information here that we hope will guide you to finding how to deliver for all. We encourage you to aim to implement best

National Learning Network: What makes NLN different? h National Learning Network provides training and specialist support to people who, for a variety of reasons, may find it difficult to gain employment. Whatever your circumstances – whether you are long-term unemployed, have an illness or a disability – National Learning Network can help you.  As Ireland’s largest non-governmental education and training organisation,

CARA Sport Inclusion: Disability Inclusion Training This workshop is designed to provide participants with the knowledge, skills and ideas on how to adapt and modify your sport, physical activity or physical education sessions to make them more accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities. Attendees will be engaged through interactive group work, theory content and

Thinking Jobs:

Thinking Jobs Thinking Jobs is a Not for Profit specialist recruitment agency tasked specifically with getting a significant number of adults with Disabilities into sustainable and long term employment. .We are not looking for Charity or for Sympathy. We are looking for the opportunity to deliver a very high quality

Supports to facilitate the employment of people with disabilities in the workplace or to retain, in the workforce, employees who acquire a disability: The Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation is a member of the Comprehensive Employment Strategy for People with Disabilities Implementation Group. This Department has committed to highlight the supports that are available to facilitate the employment of people with disabilities in the open labour market, or to retain in

Willing Able Mentoring (WAM) Programme:

Willing Able Mentoring (WAM) Programme: Willing Able Mentoring (WAM) Programme Website Willing Able Mentoring (WAM) is a work placement programme for graduates with disabilities. It aims to connect graduates with disabilities with the labour market and help employer’s improve their ability to integrate disability into the workplace. What does it

Lámh: Intellectual Disability Communication

Lámh: Lámh is a manual sign system used by children and adults with intellectual disability and communication needs in Ireland. Lámh signs are used to support communication. Lámh was developed in order to have a standardised, Irish-based manual sign system for those with intellectual disabilities and communication needs. Lámh is the accepted sign system for

Disability Awareness Training Grants

Disability Awareness Training Grants: Employers that provide disability awareness training for their staff may be able to apply for grant aid towards the cost of this training. Disability awareness aims to provide the best possible customer service to clients and customers and promotes the employability of disabled people by creating