Thinking Home & Caring

Encouraging Picky Eaters with Autism to Try New Foods

This week’s “Got Questions?” answer comes from Emily Kuschner, PhD, a clinical psychologist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, a center within Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network. Dr. Kuschner works within the hospital’s Lurie Family Foundation’s MEG Imaging Center, its Department of Radiology and its Center for Autism Research. With support

Mealtime tips for Autistic Children with Eating Challenges

This week’s “Food for Thought” post is by occupational therapist Moira Pena, of Toronto’s Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. The hospital is one of 14 centers in the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network (ATN). Editor’s note: The following information is not meant to diagnose or treat and should not take the

National Association of Housing for Visually Impaired

NAHVI provides supportive inclusive accommodation where disability does not create a barrier to the fulfilment of aspiration or ambition, where learning and care combine to meet each resident’s unique needs. National Association of Housing for Visually Impaired

Ability West:

Ability West’s mission is to empower people with disabilities to live self-directed lives in an equal and inclusive society. Each person supported and valued within an environment which promotes their overall autonomy, health and wellbeing and enables them to reach their potential. We provide services to children and adults with

Additional Expenses for a Kidney Patient

Kidney patients can claim relief, in addition to normal health expenses. Hospital dialysis patients If you regularly travel for dialysis treatment, you can claim relief on the cost of travelling to and from the hospital. There is no limit on the number of journeys you can claim for. Travel by

Additional Diet Expenses for Coeliacs and Diabetics

You can claim relief for certain food products if you have specific dietary requirements due to a medical condition. This applies to you if you are: a coeliac and you must purchase gluten free foods specifically manufactured to be gluten free diabetic and you must purchase diabetic products if your

Claiming Home Carer Tax Credit

Use myAccount to claim the Home Carer Tax Credit for the current year. Alternatively, you can complete the Home Carer Tax Credit claim form. You can then post this form to your Revenue office. If you pay tax under the self-assessed system, the tax credit is claimed by completing the Home Carer section on your annual

Tax Reliefs for People with a Visual Impairment

If you have certain visual impairments you may claim a reduction in the amount of tax that you pay. Under the tax system, the amount of tax that you pay to Revenue may be reduced by a system of tax credits and reliefs. You can read about how your tax is calculated for an

NUA Healthcare

Nua Healthcare is one of Ireland’s leading Care Providers. We provide Residential, Supported Living, Day and Community Outreach Services to both Children and Adults with a range of complex support requirements. At Nua Healthcare, we are proud to offer high standards of service and care.  Renowned for offering some of

The National Housing Strategy for People with a Disability

The Housing Agency is actively involved in the implementation of The National Housing Strategy for People with a Disability 2011-2016 (NHSPWD) as extended to 2020 under Rebuilding Ireland. The NHSPWD is a framework for delivering housing to people with disabilities through mainstream housing sources. The vision of the Strategy is